Thursday, December 31, 2009
This Santa is Hot!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dear Anonymous,

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Just Fake it!!
and this...
(This moment is courtesy of icing in a can. It is fabulous and it makes me look oh so Martha. I fill cones 2/3 full with boxed cake mix and bake in a cup cake pan. Then squirt on the icing so it looks like soft serve ice cream. VOILA! And in the true spirit of faking it I must confess that I am not a gourmet genius. The recipe is on the back of the cone box)
I think I will start on my New Year's resolution early! I'm off to buy some Spanx. First I'm going to splash a little cleaner in the sink so it smells like I scrubbed the house.
Every confession in my comment box gets you an entry in the oh so fabulous Aloha giveaway!!
Macadamia nuts, Kona coffee and more could all be yours! Just make sure I can reach you if you win! Last day to enter will be Sunday, January 3rd.
And BTW if the Spanx doesn't work I'm just going to laugh my butt off and I think I will start here..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Christmas Traditions?

Sunday, November 29, 2009
This Can't Be Good
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Faux Birthday
Friday, November 6, 2009
Ladybug, Ladybug!
Visit Candid Carrie's for photo fun.
Hosted by Cecily and Emily
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Kindergarten Survival

Monday, November 2, 2009
Candy Detox
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A little help here..

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Haunted by Feminine Hygiene
This is the kind of creative mayhem that ensues anytime I shave my ankles, read a post or try to potty solo. My daughters are so proud and the neighborhood is officially spooked. No one has been by to peddle cookies or newspapers this week. I wonder why?
Her writing prompts fall somewhere between being touched by a muse and whacked with a cattle prod. With lots of choices one is bound to inspire you.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Do you see me?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Daddy's Replacement
Friday, October 16, 2009
Best Tourist Trap
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thrifty or cheap?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Major Malfunction
The pause button on our new Toddler 2.0 is malfunctioning. We have had this problem ever since we upgraded from the Baby 1.0.
I tried to call for trouble shooting tips but your number appears to be unlisted.
No refund or exchanges will be necessary.
Thank you.
Head over to 7 Clown Circus for Wordful fun!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Rapunzel and Alopecia Areata
Friday, September 4, 2009
Your first true love?
So what was the first book you remember falling for?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Our Latest Treasure!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Now What?
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Feminist

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Bloggy Award Buffet
Her comment delivered quality and quantity. I laugh every time I reread. Yes, I reread my comments. I fight depression by dipping into the comment box instead of my pill box. Here is a taste of her comment leaving goodness..

I got a bloggy nod from a glamorous therapist who has been married 32 years! She dishes out her secrets and has amazing skin! A happy marriage must be good for the complexion!
In the spirit of "Honest Scrap" I am supposed to tell you 15 honest things about me. The most honest things about me are that I am a complete failure at following directions. I am also horrible with numbers.
Next up is Blue Cotton Memory. She is a woman thriving in a family of men. She is dishing out discipline in the form of squats while I'm holding feather boas for ransom. She thinks my blog is lovely.
I'm grateful that she thought of me since I am a wild mess of a mom who considers Harry Potter a book of substance. Who can resist a blog that comes with equal parts of love and opinions?
The following blog is so much better than bacon. It is one of the greatest compliments I can bestow on a fellow blogger. Bacon is that special final touch to salads, baked beans and crucial for breakfast gravy. Sorry PETA!

She makes me laugh. Reading her blog is like having an instant girlfriend to give you the honest scoop with a dose of laughter. Even bacon can't do that!
Another sweet award to celebrate from Brown Eyed Gal!
I hope you enjoy this bloggy buffet and finds something suited to your tastes. Thank you!
P.S: The bloggy buffet comes with no strings attached. So hoard them, share them, ignore them or brag about them to your hearts content!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Pause Button
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Breastfeeding Doll
Am I the only person in the world that finds this doll hysterical and NOT creepy?I must be suffering from Outrage Deficiency Syndrome. I browsed through all the comments expressing shock and disgust on NEW PARENT and You Tube. I still can't shake the image of hubby donning the nursing apron and pressing the doll to his tiny "lilies" to show Princess how it is done. He is the official new toy demonstrator after all. Why should this be any different? Reading all the comments actually made me laugh harder. It's just a doll not a pack of pretend birth control pills!
I do not promise to be lucid in the next few days. I feel and look like I have been nursing a nest of angry porcupines at my right breast. My fever is rising. I hope that baby doll comes with pretend cold compresses. I am soothing my own "lilies" with a bag of frozen mangoes. So if you are one of those people that think breastfeeding is icky and you find yourself at my dinner table, don't eat the mangoes!!
Please don't forget that August 26th is Women's Equality day. Please send me the link to your post if you tackle the issue of women and equality on your blog!!
Get inspired by Mama Kat and pick your own prompt! Diagnose yourself, confess your deepest fears and more.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Equality for Women?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Private Detectives, Zubbles and Mothering
How about ordering a background track on her teacher and having the woman tailed throughout the school year?
I haven't hired anyone yet or anything just mulling it over. Thoughts? Reprimands? Reference for a great private investigator?
2. Since when did being a mother stop being enough? The other day a fellow mom asked what I did. When I told her I stayed at home raising my daughters she said, "Oh, you're unemployed". What do you say to that? It doesn't matter. I might have to get a job that pays more and has less demanding hours so I can afford that private detective and devote more time stalking my own children anyways.
3. Toy inventor Tim Kehoe
has burst my Zubble. I ordered my Zubbles before the The Zubble People
realized, "OH CRAP! People are willing to pay over seven bucks a bottle for colored bubbles! We better make more". Now they are back ordered. No worries Mr. Zubble a child's patience is limitless. She completely understands.
That sums up my random Friday Fragments for today. So just gather your crumbs of wisdom, toss them together and click below to join in.....
And introducing another host of random Friday fun...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Little Lost
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Adult Onesie?
Post your own question and join in on Aloha Friday, hosted by An Island Life!
I am not fashion forward unless you consider chicken nuggets a fashion accessory. I resort to dressing vicariously through my daughters. For now I'll let them rock the rompers and just stalk my favorite fashion blog.
I visit Maegan for fashion inspiration. She has repeatedly ignored my request for her to photoshop cellulite on her thighs. However, her blog is so fun and witty that I'm willing to endure her perfection. If you have never been you must check out her tutorials and her gratuitous outfit posts. I am yet to make it through a single one without being inspired to get dressed for the day. She pulls off the romper and gives lessons on how to turn old shirts into trendy necklaces and more.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
You're not that important!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bedazzling the Feminist

Monday, July 13, 2009
Beyond Sticker Charts
1. A counting mom
I broke my counting rule before my first daughter was out of the womb. "You're Daddy is on leave so you have until the count of three to exit my womb young lady". It didn't work then and it doesn't work now but I'm a counter. I can admit it. After five years I finally started shopping for gold starts but I couldn't crumble. Not yet. Instead we have the "Prize Petal" game.
Object of the game:
Push Pins
The Game Board:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My Two Cents on Ascitis
While everyone was worried about swine flu and cancer leaching plastics Ascitis has hit pandemic proportions. You can't catch up on politics or entertainment without another Ascitis victim making the headlines. There are men across the globe suffering from very severe and possibly fatal strains of the disease.
There is no known cure for Ascitis. However, a good divorce lawyer may cover alternative treatments.
Can it be prevented?
I hate to break it to you but frequent hand washing can't protect you from this disease. It appears to be contagious but not airborne. It is still very mysterious.
One controversial theory is snappy wives and marriage induced abstinence lowers immunity. Some people advocate "love injections" and "obedience". They offer up Jon and Kate as proof that quarrelsome wives spread the disease. I'm not buying it. Defiant women have already been tagged as the root of original sin. I won't be shouldering the blame for Jon Gosselin's adultery too.
If Jon had been better in the sack (Kate's sack) in the first place then maybe Kate wouldn't have been so snarky ? Does she look like a woman that has had a good night of umm "sleep"? If your hubby was out curling another woman's toes wouldn't you be a little snippy. It's that age old question, "Which came first? The adulterous husband or the cranky wife?". One may never know. Fifty bucks says Jon goes back to college to "further his mind". Poor Jon had to take a break from the media because Governor Sanford was stealing all his sleazy thunder.
I'm just glad the Ascitis sufferers are hogging up less news space. North Korea had to threaten "a hail storm of nuclear fire" just to get a headline. Sarah Palin had to resign to elbow her way into the headlines.
So every politician, entertainer, athlete and guy next door please just pick up some chewable Vitamin C, drink plenty of fluids and get some rest. The last thing the world needs right now is an Ascitis pandemic.