I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
Follow at your own risk. You'll find the follow button at the bottom of the side bar.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Major Malfunction

Dear Customer Service,

The pause button on our new Toddler 2.0 is malfunctioning. We have had this problem ever since we upgraded from the Baby 1.0.
I tried to call for trouble shooting tips but your number appears to be unlisted.
No refund or exchanges will be necessary.
Thank you.

Head over to 7 Clown Circus for Wordful fun!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rapunzel and Alopecia Areata

Loss is big. I could have tried to explain it to my five year old daughter. We could have talked about diseases and suffering. We could have talked statistics. But we didn't. I worried that the magic and wonder in her mind would be evicted to make room for it all. We visited http://www.locksoflove.org/ instead. We talked about sick princesses and we talked hair. She saw images of love and joy. She saw pictures of sacrifice and the celebration of spirit. When it was done my Rapunzel loving princess was ready for a haircut. The child who flips, flops and screams over a trim wanted ten inches cut off for Locks of Love. Naturally, I think this is a sign of greatness. Perhaps, she will grow up to bring peace to a war torn country or cure life threatening diseases. I will dab my eyes in interviews and say things like "She always showed an extraordinary capacity for empathy". Today I praised her from her new blond bob down to her glittery pink toes. She endured my relentless praise, shrugged and said, " I just shared some hair with a bald girl". Fair enough.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel show me your hair!"
(Like most mothers I think my kid is exceptionally bright, gifted and superior in all ways. Luckily Princess dishes out humility smack downs to keep me grounded.)
If you are not familiar with Locks for Love you can learn more at www.locksforlove.org. You can snag information on how to donate ten inches or more of hair. Donations are used to create custom hair prosthetics for children with disorders, diseases and conditions such as alopecia areata and cancer.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Your first true love?

My first true love was literature. I vividly remember falling for Serendipity Books by Stephen Cosgrove. I can recall names like Serendipity, Flutterby and Butterwings. When I read to my daughter words resurface tucked away in my memory like a treasure for all these years. Who could forget something as magical as a winged horse unfurling from a cocoon and whining in the moonlight? I always remembered the creatures with their shy eyes and vivid colors. Reading these books gave me the keys to life and magic spilled out. I bought Flutterby for my daughter so that we can soak up the magic together.
I've found the best selection of Serendipity books HERE
( Just so you know Stephen Cosgrove and Amazon gave me a ton of nothing to drop their name for pointing you their way. Anything praised on this blog is brought to you out of nothing more than a desire to share a slice of happiness)

So what was the first book you remember falling for?
Just post a question to join in on Aloha Friday, hosted by An Island Life!