My first daughter was in my womb dreaming of feather boas and purple play shoes while I was buying action figures and trucks. When she danced in my womb it was to the rhythm of Sharon Olds' poetry. I read to her from The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan not Cinderella. By the time she was full term my uterus was so full with stories of powerful women that there was hardly any room left for amniotic fluid.
My daughter was born genetically predisposed to Barbie and everything that sparkles. All her gender neutral toys were tossed to make room for a pink play kitchen and shopping cart.
I planned to shape her into a jean loving mini feminist.
She is bedazzling my inner feminist instead. I am learning that a girl can win a mud fight in a multi tiered dress and have mud to spare for pretend chocolate muffins. She is wild, fierce and girly. Her femininity knows no boundaries. I watch in adoration as she defines herself from scratch.
Now all I need to do is relax and try not to mess it up. 

Looks like a mess but she had a great time..
she is stinking cute!
Love this post, love you, love the pic of your girl...just feeling the love! :)
This is so wonderful! I think it's such a hard thing for parents to let go of what they want for their children, and just let their children be the wonderful little people that they are!
Ok I love the term fun bags!!
And your babys are cute!
She's too cute! I love how you put it, that she bedazzles your inner feminist! That's something special...have a great SITs day!
Just go with it - she is a beauty!
UGGH! Wish I had just one daughter. Not that my boys aren't awesome, but I don't think Hubby appreciates that #3 loves carrying a purse. Thanks for stopping by again for the party:)
that is some good stuff!
Stopping by from SITS to say HI
Easy to stand back when they are young...much harder when they turn 16
What fun! She is absolutely precious!
I love to watch them become themselves!
I love that.. don't mess it up.
sits friend.
"Bedazzling your inner feminist"......I love that!!!
I love this Jen! She is too cute. And yes, get in your mud fight and bake your victory cupcakes you little rock star.
I LOVE this post! Our children are the teachers, not the parents. Great pics!
FANtastic. I love this.
I love this picture! It is absolutly adorable:)
Thanks so much for stopping by on my SITS day! I love your photography!
I can't say anything sarcastic to that, it was a very inspiring message and a great tribute to your daughter who, by the way, looks adorable even covered in mud!
Your girls are just beautiful. Love the real life photos!!
I have a friend in this same situation - thought she'd have a sporty tomboy like herself but has a pink princess. I'm fascinated by the concept - the stereotype of feminism seems turned on its head, but really what we want is for girls to be whatever they want. Good post!
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