It's time to share some two cents. Go ahead and give away some FREE two cents or ask for some and link up. For a complete list of details and Two Cents FAQ just
Click HereIs there some fine print in marriage that I have missed? I checked our marriage license to make sure I wasn't missing a catch in the marriage lifetime warranty similar to the factory warranty on our Honda....
(Covered for life OR 36,000 miles OR twelve stretch marks OR 20+ pounds OR ten wrinkles... whichever comes first)
There are several strong, wonderful and beautiful women in my life that have been reduced to rubble by infidelity. I have watched every single one of them no matter how intelligent they are go through a "fix it" phase. This is where they shoulder the burden and blame for their spouse's affair and begin hoop jumping for their husband. They try to will themselves happily married. I am there for them. If they ask I will even hold the hoop. I will take them shopping for "husband keeping" lingerie or plan a romantic evening. However, it's frustrating to see someone you adore spend time and energy on someone who doesn't deserve it. It is hard to cheer them on when I just want to take their husband deep sea fishing and use him as bait. Sometimes I wonder if I am even being a good friend by "listening" and being supportive. These are women who I respect with all my heart. What can I do? I feel like I am letting them down. I know there is nothing I can do to make the pain go away. I know it isn't mine to fix but I want to help. I try to be there. I offer arsenic once and let them know that a shovel is only a phone call away. After that I just try to hold that hoop steady as long as they need me to. My arms are getting tired.
I understand that relationships are very private and personal so please feel free to share your experience in the privacy of the comment box if you feel more comfortable there. I will leave the post open for anonymous comments for today. What do you wish a friend had done for you? Could anyone have done anything to make a horrible situation easier? Is just being there enough?
Two Cents will now be the FIRST Tuesday of every month. Next month's topic is friendship but you can give your two cents on any topic you please as long as it's free!
If you are new here please know that I am always at least half serious. If any husbands have gone missing in your area please don't call America's Most Wanted and report me.... yet. None of my friends have ever taken me up on a deep sea fishing trip and their unfaithful men have better sense than to eat anything I cook.