Romance is about more than waxing everything off or springing for an overpriced greeting card. The first is my absolute favorite response to "How do I bring back the Romance?" It's good in theory but there are way too many variables in such a risky endeavor. Allergic reaction and ingrown hairs to name a few. Valentine's should not be divided between the Hallmark aisle or Spencer's. Celebrate the things you love about each other by doing your favorite things or venturing outside your box. For the price of dinner, a movie and a box of chocolates you could spring for skydiving or trapeze lessons. So don't waste money on dinner and those cheesy love dice. Save your money, make some memories and then have the best kind of free fun.
But How do you romance each other while married with kids?
The key is prioritizing. When the kids are in bed and we've barricaded them in their rooms hubby makes several crucial decisions.....
Clean laundry
ummmmm "Snuggle time"
I tell him that if wants some smooth leg "snuggle time" it means that we'll have to shave a few minutes off our time together. He chooses fuzzy lovin' every time and THAT is why I miss him so much. He is a man with his priorities straight and there is nothing more romantic than that.
On Valentine's day don't worry about me missing my hubby. Last Valentine's "mangerie" moment was enough sexy to sustain me for the rest of my life. Only two more weeks to go until he's home!
That's my two cents. Please share your "Two Cents" and sign Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. The Rules are flexible, loose and optional but if you don't believe me just Click Here for all the details .
And one more thing, play nice or I'll borrow Mama Kat's Purse and break out her smacking spoon.
The key is prioritizing. When the kids are in bed and we've barricaded them in their rooms hubby makes several crucial decisions.....
Clean laundry
ummmmm "Snuggle time"
I tell him that if wants some smooth leg "snuggle time" it means that we'll have to shave a few minutes off our time together. He chooses fuzzy lovin' every time and THAT is why I miss him so much. He is a man with his priorities straight and there is nothing more romantic than that.
On Valentine's day don't worry about me missing my hubby. Last Valentine's "mangerie" moment was enough sexy to sustain me for the rest of my life. Only two more weeks to go until he's home!
That's my two cents. Please share your "Two Cents" and sign Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. The Rules are flexible, loose and optional but if you don't believe me just Click Here for all the details .
And one more thing, play nice or I'll borrow Mama Kat's Purse and break out her smacking spoon.

Hmmmm... I was gonna borrow MamaKats smaking spoon too, but for something totally different. :-0
LOL. Talk about spicing up Valentine's Day.
Glad he isn't scared of a little fuzz. lol
Hope you have a good week! hope the next few weeks go quick till he gets home again.
Hehe. Happy valentines day to us! My husband doesn't mind fuzzy legs either...mostly since his are fuzzier. That's my excuse for not shaving. Luckily we don't have kids yet sooo...we've gotta get as much snuggle time as we can in the next 8 months. =D
its been my experience men never fuss about the stuff women think they have to fuss about. i don't bother shaving my legs more than a couple times a month in the winter - my skin's too dry and itchy. does the man notice?? nope. never. not once. in 13 years. oh, and it gets way easier to find snuggle time when the kids get bigger - which they do, in an unbelievably short amount of time. just watch. you'll see. don't blink. ;)
There are a few advantages to having a teenager (few, or a few however you want to put it). I'm lucky with mine, he's a pretty good kid and GREAT with 2 of his 3 younger siblings... SO romance for me and the DH is a little less complicated. We pay off the teenager to watch everyone else, and baracade ourselves up stairs! I put our outdoor bistro table in our bedroom, fancy it up with all those great linnens and table settings that have for the most part been replaced with paper plates and plastic coated table cloths. I make us a great dinner for two (pizza for the kids, the like that better anyway), get us a movie with NO ANIMATION!, and spend snuggly time together. I have to say I opt for the wax or shave for these interludes, but he wouldn't complain anyway. This Valentines day I'm going with an Asian theme, Soba noodles, sushi, a short black wig, new madrin dress and glue on eye lashes! TMI??
You know this may be why the monkey love breaks out more often in the summer than in the winter - I actually take time to shave when I have to wear shorts. Poor Beloved! Now as for man-gerie? Not in this hood mama! I get a little queasy at the thought and that's not good for the romance factor!
Too funny! My husband will pick "fuzzy loving" every time too. Aren't men funny? I guess I really should say aren't women funny since we worry about the silliest things sometimes. Cute post.
I'm soooo getting in on just might take me a couple hours. Stupid job.
I won't be seeing my husband on Valentine's Day either. He should be home in about two weeks as well. The last thing he will care about is a little leg fuzz ;)
LOL You all are making my day!! Glad to see there will be a perk when the girls go teenager on me. We live in Hawaii but luckily the leg hair is blonde and I do shave the calves. My daughter calls my blonde fuzzy leg hair, my sparkle. Isn't that magical?? ;)
Thanks for inviting me to participate! I'll be back next week too :) and about your post AWWWW and I think if you really love them it doesn't matter if they have fur on their legs :-D
Your baby is a precious angel! Especially if she calls your leg hair your sparkles!!! Jealous! Mine still thinks her baby brother is in my tummy and she wants her's big like mine... *sigh* I'm chalkin' that up to the fact that she's just four.
I would hope that all hubs wouldn't be scared of some fuzz... How awful would that be if you had to constantly maintain...
Fuzzy lovin'! LOL! My husband would definitely pick that too. He's not away or anything, but between a newborn and a 3 year old, we don't get much alone time (or any, really.)
ps I'm sorry I didn't stick to the romance theme...I just had to get my subject off my chest :) Thanks for letting me!
We're going to lunch and then the hotel for dogs movie! I know, real mature. But since I rarely see Ben and we haven't been to a movie since 2006, it's a big deal for us!
OK Glad I didn't miss this week. As for us he's ok with the fuzzy, ME? not so much, so we opt for when ALL 4 kids (21mo-7yr)are asleep, lock up, jump in the shower shave my legs and start our venture there. This Valentine's he said he's cooking a nice surf n turf and some wine a kid movie and early bedtime for kids...LOL Happy Valentine's!!
Real men don't mind a little leg fuzz!
I hope the 2 weeks go by FAST for you!
I have to say you girls are so beautiful. Those soulful eyes on your oldest, she should model!!!!
Valentine's Day is just a day. Have your own special day when he gets home!
Glad you man isn't afraid of a little fuzz!
And, yes, you fit it in when you can!
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