I think this princess is more news worthy than the gloom and glam that dominates today's news. Her name is Caroline and she took it upon herself to raise money for animal rescue. With the support of her mother she designed and sold jewelry with the intention of helping save animals. She raised over two hundred dollars and donated the entire sum to ARF Tulsa. If I wasn't affiliated with the group her inspirational story would have slipped by me.
Her donation will help more abused and abandoned pets like Hairless Harriet make a full recovery. It is uplifting to know that children with giving hearts are taking the initiative to change the world. I hope to follow in her small footsteps and learn from her commitment and unwavering dedication to a cause outside of herself. Please considering clicking on the link below and leaving a comment for Caroline at ARF Tulsa's blog. I can't roll her out the red carpet or score her a magazine cover but maybe we can let her know that her act of kindness has not gone unnoticed.

Thank you so much for letting me share this little bit of inspiration with you. I adore working with various charitable organizations because I meet so many caring and selfless people. When I am down, depressed and worrying about my children's future their stories of generosity restore my faith in humanity.
What inspires you? How do you find inspiration?
Share your "Two Cents" or ask for some and sign Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. The Rules are flexible, loose and optional but if you don't believe me just Click Here for all the details .
I'm on my way to see her...:)
That is so inspiring. What a delightful girl!
i couldn't agree with you more. people who save animals are at the top of the list in my opinion. i wish i could have another rescue puppy but hubby says two are enough!!! kudos to caroline and thank you for posting about it!
wow...I love to hear about kids getting involved. We are having a garage sale this spring, and my daughter has stated that 1/2 the money she gets will be going to our local humane society...She's impressive...
What an inspriration Caroline is! Animal activism is close to my heart, too. :)
Thanks for sharing this! I, too, tire of the celebrity gossip. as a journalism teacher, it makes my job even harder, because I don't know where to turn to get kids to read something valuable. This, however, will make a great lesson for them and hopefully serve as some great inspiration!
Mom first, everything else second. When my 3 boys were young, my house was one big playhouse. Anything to survive and let them be normal. My dining room did not have a table, but all their toys so I could watch them. Having long winters makes for being creative.
Nice to meet ya!
What a great story! Very inspiring ♥
That's why I hate watching the News. There is always something horrible and dribble on nothing good or heart warming. Glad to hear you found something that is.
What a great idea for today. That little girl is amazing. I have one of those in my life also. I hope you are having a great time with your family. Have an amazing day!
that's good stuff...and i couldn't agree more!
AMEN to that sista....you are right on!! This world has become obsessed with the lives of "celebrities"...
Sometimes don't you want to just scream and say enough! Come on people where the heck did we get lost around the way!
Kudo's to Caroline, amazing! What a great post!
What a sweet girl. It is too bad that stuff like this doesnt get more coverage. Instead it is the doom and gloom that is our economy. hopefully kids like her will grow up and value things that are worth the hard work. Great post.
Children should rule the world:) What a beautiful story! We just rescued a dog from our local shelter a few weeks ago. My kids were so inspired by the volunteers there that they have been saving their change to donate. We just took $100 to them on Saturday! I am on my way to click the linky!
Thanks for sharing!
I am smiling ear to ear. I love kids and I love animals. And when the two meet in such a worthy way, I'm thrilled!!
i can't believe you think animal rescue is more important than brangelina's 815th kid! ;)
I coudn't agree with you more. it is the everyday heros that need to be celebrated. :)
Great post!
You are right that she is so inspiring. I love to read uplifting inspiring stories like this. Stories like this don't get the publicity that they should.
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