I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
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Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fragments

PLEASE CLICK HERE to enter the Aloha Give Away.

Friday Fragments?

Some Friday Fragments Inspired by Half-Past Kissin' Time just click above to join in!

*Sending both girls to private school would cost over 20,000!
(that doesn't even include lunches and the creepy little uniforms!)
*My spare kidney will soon be for sale on the black market
*Tornado weather followed me from Oklahoma to paradise. Sorry Hawaii!
* I think I have some kind of freaky hormonal balance.
* Anyone else sporting a breast mustache?
* I will be drawing the names for my giveaway old school style! Take that modern technology!!
* There were salted macadamias in the giveaway but I ate them. Sorry bloggy friends :(
* I thought today was Saturday.
*Happy Friday the 13th!


mama's smitten said...

I feel Ya !Hope you'll stop today. I have something you deserve! No work involved! You 've already done it!:)

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

I be followin your blog now TuTu's Bliss. Cuz, I'm like that. No leader.....just a follower :)

Love your blog, Happy Valentine's Day and......

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Amy said...

Wow a lot of money to go to school. Have a great Friday.

Anonymous said...

lol...that's some kind of day!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

What the heck is a breast mustache???? I am perimenopausal and already have to wax my stupid upper lip now...ugh! Now there's a possible breastache in my future?

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You are too funny. Hope you liked the nuts.

DiPaola Momma said...

Old school is much more fun and keeps the kids entertained. I've got that inballance too.. it's called motherhood. I about pooped when I checked into private schools here too! We had MONDO winds all week (weather guy said they were Hurricane force.. IN MARYLAND IN FEB!!!)... the hair on the mammaries is part of the great folical migration.. from my head to my nose (inside and out), upper lip, chin, neck and even my belly.. WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH THAT HUH?!!

Thanks for this one I don't feel all alone in my brain detours.. Stop by for the Sephora gift card and Beauty tips on my blog.. takes the mind off the hair.. he he

♥ Kathy said...

lol I would of eaten the macadamia nuts too :)Happy Valentine's Day Jen ♥

Brittany Ann said...

Amen on all accounts! And thank goodness its not just me who describes those uniforms as creepy!

(And any woman in her right mind would have eaten those macademia nuts! It was the only sane choice.)

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

Okay, you reeled me in.....I just entered your Aloha Giveaway. Pick me, pick me!!
Would bribery or old fashioned begging work? I'll send you somethin real sweet from the South. Please? Pretty Please? Okay, darnit....Pretty please with a cherry on top? :)

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Mrs4444 said...

You are very funny, young lady! This week, there are so many great fragments that I'm going to put them in a separate post, including yours about the breast mustache. That's hilarious. Do you mind? (It's kind of an awkward introduction! heehee) No mustache here, but I do have a single hair that I've been plucking for 20 years. Loved the macadamia confession, too. Thanks for joining me this week~!

Kimberly said...

LMAO @ Breast mustache... Glad to know I'm not the only one...LOL!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog..Think I'll have to come back to yours or follow... too funny.

Kim said...

Hey! I had dibs on those nuts!

And about that giveway....pick me!