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Mama Kat's dishing out the writing assignments so here it goes.. Let's say for bloggy sake that I've just been laid off. What fabulous thing will I do with my life NOW???

Now wait a minute! Can we talk about why I was laid off for a second? Was it those nutritional meals of sand coated fries. Was it the floors? Did I not mop enough, sweep the floors and vacuum enough? Know THIS "Mr. Mangerie" ….. a dirty house is essential to survival. In the event of a major disaster we could survive on the Cheerios on our floor alone!! That doesn't even take into account the Twinkies stored in the pantry. Twinkies NEVER go bad baby! But alright "Mr. Mangerie" let's assume it is NOT my inferior cleaning/mothering skills and you just decided to bring in a younger replacement after my year long maternity leave. Maybe your trying to appeal to the younger crowd. I get it, she's all cutting edge and on top of her game. I can take it. Are you changing your company image? Going for something a little more treadmill than oatmeal? Well I'm not going to sit around and cry. I'm headed over to "The Last Ogle" they got smoked by the housewives in nearly every Okie Blog Award Category and are a little bitter. They put the call out for a 40+ housewife to kick them into award winning condition. Who better than this mom? I'm not 40 yet but I can pretend. Since you never sprung for those implants and botox they probably won't even notice. It might cut into my new sniper gig though.
(Thank you Mr. Mangerie for not "really" firing me. Still up for some employee fraternization?)
Please Note: This is not a call to arms. The Lost Ogle is actually rather funny and took some serious slack already. They now know not to mess with the mommies.
Interested in The Lost Ogle's job offer? I don't think they're serious but if you're curious you could blog over there and give them some traffic or just get the recap from my favorite ladies at Idabel by CLICKING HERE
Their post titled "The Lost Boobie" should bring you up to speed.
Now go get your writing assignment from Mama Kat over at Mama's Losin' It.
(Thank you Mr. Mangerie for not "really" firing me. Still up for some employee fraternization?)
Please Note: This is not a call to arms. The Lost Ogle is actually rather funny and took some serious slack already. They now know not to mess with the mommies.
Interested in The Lost Ogle's job offer? I don't think they're serious but if you're curious you could blog over there and give them some traffic or just get the recap from my favorite ladies at Idabel by CLICKING HERE
Their post titled "The Lost Boobie" should bring you up to speed.
Now go get your writing assignment from Mama Kat over at Mama's Losin' It.
Hee hee hee! Funny post! We could live off of our floor cheerios!
Gave you some linky love over at my bloggy today!
Hypothetically should Hubby ever want to fire you, allow me to send a picture of my house, he will see how bad he could have it, he would be forever in debt to you, lol. I think if I got laid off as "domestic professioanl", I would want to go full time at the place I volunteer. Granted it would still be volunteer, but I would really love to give more time. I cant wait for my silk screens to arrive none the less! Have a good weekend! I am heading to KS to visit Mr. Sassypants who is away on business. I probably wont catch ya till sunday! Catch ya later!
Thats cute....
Okay, so as soon as your stuff arrives, its off to you. I leave for Chicago tomorrow for the weekend. Ill be in touch when I get back.
Have a great weekend....and if hubby is home, have a romantic valentines and think of a picture you want o the two of you in that frame.
lol! twinkies never go bad...funny.
LOL that was great :-D
LOL - that made me giggle - sadly I don't have to pretend about being over 40 - sigh.. Thanks for popping by my blog!!! Sarah
in my house, i feel i'd be the one doing the laying off. i get to stay home all day and beloved goes out and works. i dont think he's the one in the position to fire anyone. ;)
ok, seriously adorable, crooked smile dog! love it!
Holy Heck! You should see the inside of this house! I get so behind that I just tell hubs to get the damn mop and do it himself!
That was funny. I've been wanting to do the Momma's losin it but keep forgetting.
I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you'll be back I know I will!
Have a great weekend.
Oh my granddad adopted a dog that looked just like this one before he died. He answered an ad for "Monkey" he thought he was adopting a real monkey, lol! How could he say no to a face like that once he got there.
Look at you and your bad self. You are a true SE Okie girl.
How did I miss that they threatened my girls in Idabel with a lawyer? I agree with you, NOT cool. Thanks for visiting and commenting. As if I weren't addicted to enough blogs already, I'm going to have to follow this one too!
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