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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Picture Perfect??

My daughter turns her nose up at chicken and steamed veggies but THIS she eats!! Playing on the beach with a sand eater has taught me to relax. I have also learned nothing calms the nerves like snapping a picture when your first instinct is to scream "NOOOOOOO". Before reaching for the wet wipes and a hose grab the camera first. Works for us!

More prizes have been added to the Aloha Give Away.
Works for Me Wednesday is hosted by http://rocksinmydryer.typepad.com/

and another personal favorite of mine is wordful Wednesday just click below to join in..


Donnetta said...

Precious - even with the sand mustache!

♥ Kathy said...

awwwwww sand or no sand she is a doll!

alyssa said...

do you make all of these tutu's?

Sandra said...

When we come to Hawaii, can we have lunch together? I love sand too!

Sarah said...

A friend of mine made the comment that blogging and scrapping make for some pretty dangerous child situations. "Hold on honey! I have to get a picture of the child swinging from the ceiling fan because I am SOOOO going to blog/scrap this!" I say it makes for some really relaxed mommies and reslient children! (But I could be spinning that to make myself feel better...hmmm...)

Funny in My Mind said...

Surely there is some protein in sand? Adorable picture! I would cut off my big toe to be there in the sun and sand, need any company while the hubby is gone? I can make a mean chicken piccata.

Faith said...

She's too cute, sand in the mouth and all!

Kim said...

What a kissable little sweetie. You will be so glad you learned to grab the camera first!

Jennifer@woodleycottage said...

Very cute picture. Hey, when I was young we lived on Oahu, Eva Beach to be exact. My Mom had my brother and I press our footprint and handprint into the sand. She then filled the print with wax that she melted. (I'm assuming she had a hibachi or something) After it cooled she had a very cute form of our little feet and hands. She still has them. (I have a 22 year old child if that says anything) If you can't do a fire at the beach these days you could take sand home with you in a bucket and do the same thing. I love your blog. Good memories.
Have a great day.

wife.mom.nurse said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog. I am about to run out right now, but I had to tell you that i used to live in hawaii. Looking forward to reading your blog!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

That is the sweetest picture!

I am loving your Etsy shop! I am huge fan of the tutu! My 6 yr old cannot go through life without lots of tutus!!! Will be shopping around over there for sure!

Again, thanks for finding my blog...now you're stuck with me here!! lol!

Amy said...

Oh definatley a keeper! Thank you as well for the warm welcome and comments. You like a good rant? I have more brewing LOL. Huggs

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, that is too funny!

I hear sand keeps things moving, too!

Jen said...

It is crazy the things that kids will eat.

Eve said...

Haha! Yes, and what we like to call "floor munchies" - you know, those bits of food that end up thrown from the high chair and magically remain in hiding, so small only a baby could see it (even after a sweep or two), only to be found and immediately ingested by the toddler!
Aah... the Kodak Moments!

Anonymous said...

My dd used to drag her binkie in the sand...and pop it back into her mouth...ugh.

Lynn said...

What an adorable picture. You are a gifted photographer.

Chris said...

You are truly a photographer -- shoot first, ask questions later.

Questions just give us information we really don't want anyway.

The Pennington Point said...

You are so right. I never think to grab the camera BEFORE I wash the yuck off. And that makes such great pictures. A little sand never hurt anybody, right? Lisa~

The Farmers Wife said...

Cutie! What a doll she is!

kisatrtle said...

That is a great picture. Who can figure out what goes through their heads?

P.S. I left you an award on my blog. **smile**

Anonymous said...

That picture is tutu cute!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Adorable photo!!

Kristen said...

That is adorable. Yes I eventually learned to grab the camera first. Somehow it makes everything funny...sometimes.

Becky said...

Gives me the willies getting sand in my teeth. I don't know how kids do it. She is adorable nonetheless.