I love my own sister. I adore her and can't imagine my life without her. She held me down, spit in my face, flushed my head down the toilet and locked me outside buck naked. I am a better person for all her torture. We are as close and drastically different as only sisters can be. I remind myself that my daughters' spats, battles and quarrels are the foundation for a lifetime friendship. I have stopped obsessing over fostering a loving relationship free of sibling rivalry between my children. Instead I am trying to remind myself that they are two individuals building a relationship. Their strongest bonding moments will develop when I am not around and it is a bond that will probably outlast me. They are already sorting things out beautifully without me playing referee. My oldest assured me today,
"Don't worry mom, I'm training baby sister".
More great tips at We Are THAT Family
and fun pictures
over at Angie's for Wordful Wednesday. Just click below...
i am so glad - speaking as an Oldest Sister - to hear that a younger sibling understands why we do what we do. if anyone thinks the life of an Oldest Sib is easy, think again... it's not always a pretty job to properly train a younger sister or brother, but someone has to do it ;). happy hump day!!!!
You're so nice to do that. I don't think I could have!
Thats cute. By the way I have your frame in, but for some reason I have not received your candle. Checking on that today.
That is just such a cute picture. Your post is very true.
love the pictures! that's a great idea!
I love the "Don't worry I'm training baby sister" comment! How cute! I hope you wrote that one down in her baby book :)
i'm with you completely. i stalked my sister as a child, so to get some time away from me she had to lock me in the laundry room.
but to this day she's still my best friend.
Well this must be a popular candle, its not going to ship until at least March 17th. YIKES!!!
So to save on postage though and get it all there together, I will go get another candle today and ship yours out to you and I will just keep the one on backorder. Seriously, a candle on backorder. Geez!!!
Items not yet shipped:
Delivery estimate: Mar 17, 2009
Lavender Vanilla Candle - 3x4"
How sweet she's training her :) Oh my goodness I can remember REALLY scary things my sister & I did to each other growing up. I'm truly amazed we survived each other lol but today we ARE so super close. It all works out in the end ;)
You know I used to dream of "doing away" with my little sister for YEARS! Now we are very, very close even though she can get on my nerves sometimes. Our girls fought like cats and dogs and I never thought they would like each other but now that they are thousands of miles apart they so miss each other and love each other.
I love that idea. It looks like the two of you had a fun time. When you get all cleaned up stop by my page. I have something cold waiting for you.
Thanks for having such a wonderful blog to come and read and hang out. I like going to Hawaii every day.
That's too Cute!!
How sweet. Playing referee is never fun. And, I just always have to remember that now my sis and I are besties!
Love that photo....and can I say I laughed out loud with you being locked outside buck naked? My boys just dared their youngest brother to run down our 200 foot driveway maked and get the mail. LOL
Anyway.....your girls are gorgeous and you are certainly blessed. :)
That is simply precious, I LOVE the pictures of her painting your belly what a fun idea! I really like the perspective you have on sibling rivalry, it's refreshing, and I'm sure will be encouraging to me one day when I'm dealing with the same situations! =]
Hey there! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hopped on over and here and read about 3-4 of your posts and really enjoyed them! You have a very beautiful family.
Stop by again soon! I'll will hop back over here on occasion too.
That is super cute. I am interested to see how the girls grow up together. I dont have a sister, so I am curious what they will experience. I honestly didnt want a sister when I was little, but now that I am older I see the value and think of all the things i missed out on. I hope my girls continue to stay close. Already Older one seems more artsy and little one seems more athletic. We shall see!
That is a fantastic way to celebrate! What a lovely memory too!
love love love!!!
Nothing to fear there.
I'm almost sure of it.
I really love your creative streak, by the way.
Oh my goodness, what your sister did to you cracks me up! And I love the photos of your painted belly!!
What a beautiful tribute to sisters. I myself don't have one and my girls are too far apart in ages to have this so, it is neat to see:-)
Thank you so much for your support! I am getting a lot of comment love but the ones from my readers are the best:-)
I feel like such a silly goose. I am so sorry. I am so new to your site I read you have two girls right? Then thought there was another one. Sorry about that. If you do I would be so honored you if you call her Amy. OOPS.
Just letting you know I shared my OOPs with you. I found something on another blog about funny stories. I hope you do not mind. If so I can so get rid of it. Have a great day.
That is awesome!
I like this post. I have a sister and we were not exactly nice to each other either, but are very close now.
I like that your oldest was painting your belly, cute.
Ohhhh...gotta call our siblings now. Nice belly!
I love this idea!!! I'm doing a maternity photo shoot for a friend having her second child and I am so stealing this idea from you! I actually just stopped by to introduce myself as a new SITSa and invite you over to “Two Under Two. Whew!” for my super-fun-and-little-bit-silly giveaways, one of which is tied to our fellow SITSa, BlogBaby! You could win a collection from Tiny Two’s Baby Animals line, or some chocolate covered pretzels! See you around the blogosphere friend!
That is awesome. I love the picture.
How awesome!
My older sister and I were best friends and still are today. I think this post is great!
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