I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Meet the Other Woman

Be sure to check out http://www.iheartfaces.com/ to see all the other beautiful faces that have been entered into the contest!

My pet photo contest entry is a picture of the other woman.
Just like the rest of my competition she is blue eyed and stunning. I feed her, take her in and THIS is how she repays me! By stealing my man! She runs to the door for the first evening lovings and snuggles her way in between us at night. Until I learn to jump up on his shoulder and purr in his ear I think I will just have to settle for last in this house! My smitten green eyed hubby is my entry for the adult contest. He is a magnet for adoring blue eyed beauties!!


Unknown said...

id be sooooo jealous of those blue eyes!!! aloha!!!! the first 130 pages of my manuscript are in hawaii now... soaking up sun and warm breezes and hopefully bringing some home to ME!!!!!

Hootin Anni said...

MY hubby has green eyes too!!! And I love 'em. [Actually they're green slimy looking...the color, but oh so unusual and pretty!!]

Yep, crawl up on his shoulder/OR lap and purr! You'll get results, I'm sure. hehehehe [I couldn't resist, sorry.] I ♥ cats!!!

My Wordful is all about three ships that went sailing across the seas to discover America. And they're all here in our city. [replicas that is]

Come on over for a blog visit, I'd love to have your company today.

Unknown said...

I love the picture of your cat, but I love the description even more!! Good job for making me smile at 6:39 in the morning!

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Beautiful pictures! Is she a Himalyan? I probably spelt that wrong. Gah. We used to have Himalyans. We actually bred them. Suki & Saki were their names. Big fur balls. Beautiful though. I miss them.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Those are some very nice eyes!

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful. I love cats with blue eyes.

Rachel said...

I love it! You always make me smile... As sleep deprived and grouchy as I am right now, that's quite a feat. Maybe award worthy...

Anonymous said...

Our house if full of brown and hazel eyes....except for one blue eyed baby...and she rules the roost.

Anonymous said...

I am jealous of those eye's!!

Julie Rivera said...

Wow, your cat has amazing eyes! And contrasted with the black fur... I can see why your husband has strayed... :)

Kim said...

I would love to have those eyes. Looks like you have some competition.

Angela said...

The first thing I saw was the "other woman's" eyes and thought wow she should enter that in the "I heart faces" pet "eyes" contest only to see you did once I scrolled down! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those eyes are beautiful!

Sandra said...

Those eyes... made me jump back a little! so lovely!

Awwww, and the Dad and daughter one...


Anonymous said...

I've always been a little afraid of cats, I am more of a dog person. But this picture of kitty may just change my mind! Your husband is quite the looker too! :)Good luck in the contest!

Summer said...

I am not a cat person... but htat picture is beautiful!

Becky said...

LOVE your cat. She is beautiful. My Love and I are both cat lovers. The pics are great.

Mental P Mama said...


Fairy Princess Garden said...

Lovin' the eyes, yet another great photo and description. Wishing you luck!

The Golf Widow said...

Love your blog! The other woman is gorgeous!

VisibleSoulPhotography said...

I have the same problem in my house. Traitors!

We call hubby "Dr. Doolittle"...there is not an animal to be found that does not immediately love him!

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

I think if they had an ugly contest my girl Karma would win for sure...

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

This is my first visit to your blog, it's lovely. Beautiful photos! So, you have been made to move by a kitty and a beautiful little blue eyed girl. Well, the kitty...unless you grow fur and whiskers, I don't know what your chances are. LOL But the love of a daddy for his daughter, I know you wouldn't want to change that. That kind of love is too precious!
Thank you for you helpful advice on photography, I appreciated that so much.

Eaton. :)


hello and thank you so much for stoping by with yopu sweet comment i so love your pictures and I have become a follower please come back and stay a while click on my follower button so i can click back often..

i love you profile wording my kind of mama lol i have two daughters as well 2 1/2 and 9 .

ok i have some reading to do to catch up ...

The Blonde Duck said...

What a gorgeous kitty!

Josie said...

Love the pics, the cat is really great!

Anonymous said...

What cool pictures!!

Donnetta said...

Great pictures!! And I LOVE your About Me description. I laughed out loud & hopped right over! I'm going to be a follower & hope to see you on my blog as well!


Misty Rice said...

You know girl I am surprise this kitty picture didn't when or make top finals. Her eyes are stunning! Im a BIG cat lover, I have two and have rescued so many. Anyways.... love the shots.

Thanks for the shout out on the blog. I have had a couple of comments left from viewers of your blog. THANKS A TON.

PS: Do you live in Hawaii? I am new to your blog also and not sure but will browse and try to find out. I have been to Hawaii several times for my travel show and modeling jobs. Once for vacation, I took my parents for their 25th annivsary 3 years ago, but I ended up leaving "love sick" because I had just started dating my husband, and I wanted to be with him, not in Hawaii as the 3rd wheel to my parents romantic get away. LOL

So I got love sick and headed back to Florida to be with my honey.