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Saturday, February 14, 2009

And the ALOHA winner is.....

A SAUCY SITSTA, Rachel Ann. You can send her your congratulations to
Rachel Ann's Place

A very special thank you to everyone that entered, added prizes and helped share sunshine and a slice of paradise.
Here is a recipe as a special thank you to everyone who joined in....
Liliko'i (Passion Fruit) Dressing
1 can (6 ounces) frozen passion fruit juice, thawed
3/4 cup salad oil
1 clove garlic
1 tsp Paprika
1/2 Teaspoon salt
1/2 tsp celery seed
Combine all ingredients in blender, cover and blend well. Serve over fresh fruit salad, chunks or slices.
The wonderful news is I had so much fun that I will have another giveaway in the future. Plus there are a ton of other giveaways still up for grabs. Blog on over to The Secret is in The Sauce for a great list.


Unknown said...

congrats to rachel ann! im jealous!!! happy sunday!!

TuTu's Bliss said...

I KNOW!! I'm jealous too! Do I get to be jealous of my own giveaway? I hope I get her shipping info. soon because those macadamia hershey's kisses are calling my name!!

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

But really, a heartfelt congrats to rachel ann! (I'm jealous as well annie).
TuTu, of course it's okay to be jealous of your own giveaway, I would be!! I think that was a great idea and I may steal it shamelessly if you don't mind??
Have a great day and.....

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Anonymous said...

Congrats Rachel!!! Enjoy!

Kristie R said...

congratulations Rachel Ann...I'm jealous too but not surprised I never win anything

Amy said...

Congrats to her. Maybe next time it will be my turn. Not sure if this will come up twice.

Laura Marchant said...

Oh how fun for her. Congrats!

Fairy Princess Garden said...

Congrats Rachel Ann!!! What a wonderful prize...have fun and enjoy your slice of paradise.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Congrats to Rachel Ann. She's one lucky lady!

My Precious Peanut Designs said...

Congrats Rachel Ann!!

♥ Kathy said...

aww yay Congratulations to Rachel Ann! :-)

Mrs4444 said...

Aw, darn! I'm happy for Rachel Ann, though, and I'll be back. BTW, I am posting your link on Tuesday, instead of Monday.

The Blonde Duck said...

She deserves it! Hooray!

Rachel Ann said...

Oh holy cow...how exciting that I won!! Thank you so much for having such a wonderful contest...and thank you for the congrats from all your readers!

I look forward to seeing all the goodies!

I'm shooting you an email right now with my shipping information....thank you, thank you, thank you!!

PS...those macadamia hershey's will come in handy as I am student teaching right now and need a "break" every once in a while!

Donnetta said...

Congrats, Rachel Ann!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

That recipe sounds delicious! I am going to give it a whirl this week!

Congrats to Rachel Ann!

Mammatalk said...

I am a bit green with envy, but a hearty congrats to the winner! Fingers crossed for next time. Oh, did I forget to enter?

Lisa M said...

Congrats to Rachel Ann! I'm jealous too!!!

Btw, I would definitely love that link for the edible arrangement comment you left on my blog! :)

Thanks for stopping by