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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Your Two Cents Pretty Please

In the spirit of two cents and SITS Spring Fling the person who gives the best two cents TODAY will win a custom collage and photo editing services.
Just leave some advice/ two cents on ANY topic in the comment section or create a Two Cents post on your own blog and sign Mr. Linky. This week's OPTIONAL theme is "Choices".

The winner can send me up to a fifteen photos and I will chose from them to create a custom collage and edit the pictures. The collage and enhanced photographs will be sent to the winner in digital format via email. So if you have an email and the ability to open jpeg files this contest is for you. Here is an example of a simple collage I created for my own ballet princess. The photo collage/invitation/ announcement or banner will be custom created with the winner's style and special requests in mind such as design and text. PLUS The Secret Is In The Sauce will be giving away prizes every hour AND lots of ladies from around the blogland will be doing giveaways!!!!
I can never make choices. I am the master of indecision. I could ask for your two cents on everything from my daughter's schooling to time management and bounce back even more confused. So instead of asking for your advice on something profound or thought provoking I have one simple question.....

What should I do with my mess of a hair? I would love your two cents because I have been channeling Chewbacca so long that I can't even figure out what to do with it. Blonde, brunette..both?! If you have a link to a certain style/color that would be great too.

You can link up your two cents anytime but only comments and posts from TODAY will be considered for the prize. Please share your two cents and sign Mr. Linky. The Rules are flexible, loose and optional but if you don't believe me just Click Here for all the details .


♥ Kathy said...

Cool about the contest :D I like dark hair but that's just me...mine's practically white now anyway lol and I don't think you look like Chewbacca haha silly ♥

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

how about a pixie cut. no? okay, what about shoulder length, layers, long sweeping bangs. color? how about...light brown with caramel + highlights.

Amy said...

I just wanted to say Thanks for having a giveaway. That is so neat. I gave my two cents go and check it out when you have a chance.

Now onto the hair. I love blonde hair with some natural looking high lights. Maybe if I have blonde hair not everyone would see the grey. I am stuck with all of my grey until April. I am in a wedding in May and I am waiting close to then to do it. So I would say anything but grey. Happy Spring FLING to you.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Great contest!

My two cents: I love your hair color as is!!! Women spend alot of time and money to GET that look, lol! As a Mom you want something easy and functional, but as a woman you want something cute too! Right?? It might be a little long to be easy, but don't get it cut so short you can't put it up anymore! I've always been a fan of Jennifer Aniston's hair, so I say go for it!!

Come on over to my blog to register for my pearl earring giveaway too!!

Casey's trio said...

What a great giveaway...I can use a new heaser for my blog and this giveaway sounds perfect for that:)

April said...

I recently got rid of my inner Chewbacca and had my hair cut into one of those angled bobs. I also got it tinted auburn. ALl the tint really did was bring out the red in my nice brown hair, but sometimes even the littlest changes are what matter most. I think a nice strong short cut would look marvelous on you.

jori-o said...

Are you brave enough to do something sassy and chop it off? THAT would be a fun new change! (And your comparison to Chewy is too funny!)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

love the contest...especially if i can get my teenager in a collage with chewy! hysterical!! love it!

Mimi said...

Well I think it's important to give our children choices whenever we can. Allowing them to learn from their choices teaches them alot.

I picked this because as an overprotected only child, many of my choices were made for me.

Currently I am letting my 17 year old son choose to try school differently. Soon he will be taking 2 classes at his high school & the rest through the school district online. He knew that the "standard" method wasn't working for him, so we worked with the school to develop something that will hopefully work for him.

By letting him choose, hopefully, I'm giving him power to shape his own education.

Carma Sez said...

I would say to leave some wave in it instead of blowing it out? if it has waves, that is :D

Susie said...

I think your hair color is cute but a cute little cut to go with it...that's my two cents:-0

Kristen said...

What's wrong with the chewbakka look! I have it too!

jennifersusan said...

Love this contest! When it comes to choices, especially about my hair, I go with what I feel like at the moment. If I get the sudden urge to cut it or color it I go do it, especially if I keep thinking it. It is only hair and it will grow out again. I'm a little crazy when it comes to hair because it's the one thing about my body I can control, and so it's nice to have fun. :)
Happy Spring Fling!

Sarah said...

So here's my thought. You seem to have a lot of length so how about going extreme, whacking off 10 inches for Locks of Love or another hair donation organization and dying it a color you have never dreamt of. It's summer and the sun will wash out your color pretty quick if you don't like it but you still get to do something for the good of someone else.

The Blonde Duck said...

I think highlights. Blond highlights!

● C E L I N A ● said...

I would cut some lenght, whith bang that sweep to the side. Maybe warm it up a little with some low lights.

you should upload your picture here:http://www.hairstyle.com/
and try all the things you want to do with it.

It may not be amazing, but it gives you a good idea of how you will look! hope that helps

♥ Kathy said...

Is going to post one more two cents..when I'm trying to find Two Cents posts and only find giveaways it makes the top of my head very hot :( Ok, I'm done complaining LOL I loved the actual Two Cents posts that were up there ;) BBS to see if there's more!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I think your hair is great. I would kill to have such thick, pretty hair. When my hair was longer, I used to wear it back on one side with combs and pretty barettes.

Megan said...

What a cool giveaway!

I think a cut a little above the shoulders with framing around your face would be nice. Then dark with maybe come caramel highlights. Good luck!

Melissa said...

Ohhhh, I want to win that!!! i hope I wasn't too wordy in my post today!!

KatieSaysSo said...

What a great giveaway!!! I love it!!!

Oh and your hair will be just fine =) Whatever you do DONT cut it!!! I cut off all of mine and miss it sooo much!

LenaLoo said...

I think I like dark hair the best, but that's cuz mine is dark... when I was little I wanted golden hair like sleeping beauty :) I don't know if that counts as two cents, but I'd like to enter the giveaway!

Shangrila said...

My suggestion is this: Put some lowlights in your high and have it cut into long layers (the shortest layer no shorter than chin level). That'll give it body while keeping all that great length, and you can always twist it up in a french twist when you want it out of your face! What do you think?

TuTu's Bliss said...

I love everyone's suggestions..I think I should have posted a few of my past hair choices..then you would understand why I don't trust my own judgement....

I've had it all red, short, long, platinum. I did the locks for love thing before but I think I have mistreated it for so long now that they won't even take it.

TuTu's Bliss said...

When it comes to my hair I am not brave..I tried brave and wound up looking like a bichon frise..then again..that was better than Chewbacca!

Anonymous said...

Trust me, I am a professional! I think this cut would look amazing on you http://www.myhaircuts.com/long-layered-haircut.shtml
And as for color...the blonde needs toned down with some rich mocha low-lights. Condition it with TiGi S-Factor Serious Conditioner and style with S-Factor Smoothing Lusterizer and Dream Drops. You'll look like Chewbacca no more!!!

Carebear said...

This is a great carnival! I always want to ask my readers for feedback about parenting-related things, and what a great way to do it. Is it an every Tuesday thing? I'll be back next week to try it if so! As for today, I think your hair is gorgeous. I wish mine looked that good long. I say, just add some long layers to give it some movement and swing, it will be beautiful. No need for something drastic!

Christi said...

Okay, I love this post. Not only is your prize amazing but your post is so funny.

As far as your hair goes here is my suggestion. If you don't like big change then take small steps. Such as a trim and/or some highlights. If you're ready for a big step then go bold. Get a cut and full blown color change. I can't wait to read what you decide.