Time to link up and share some two cents.
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I would love your two cents on time management.
Somewhere between laundry and peekaboo my girls grew. It seems this year they both hit the NOS button and leaped into girldom. Our littlest is getting leaner and lost her baby stumble. Is it just my little or do all second children travel at warp speed?
Big Sis starts school this year. She's leaving story time and the cuddling bend of my arm for a school desk and a pack of pencils. It was not long ago she was being womb jiggled as I jumped on the bed screaming "We're pregnant!".
This sudden awareness of time has made me anxious to manage my time more efficiently. Any ideas? Do you have any two cents to dish out today?
My two cents .......I wanted, wished for and prompted each new stage of my oldest daughter's development. Just savor each stage before encouraging the next step.

That's a good point.
this is an issue i have struggled with for nearly 30 years!!! my oldest will be 29 in the fall so i have been juggling people and stuff and houses for a long time. one of my favorite methods of time management is espoused by Flylady of www.flylady.net. i have used flylady to organize my writing time, my housework, my home improvement projects, my garden, my laundry, my exercise, my beauty regimen and my menu plan. people who read my blog sometimes ask my where i get all the time to get done all that i do - i dont have four little ones underfoot any more, but my youngest is still at home, my middle daughter comes home from college a lot, and i take care of my grandson three days a week. and im working on my 13th novel AND my firt non-fiction book. it may not be possible to do everything ... but i have found it is very possible to do quite a lot! check out flylady!!! i love her!!!!
I have no cents to share on this! :)
Yay I'm good at time management :D It's amazing and a little scary how fast they grow isn't it? Sometimes I wonder where the time went.
I could have written your post. This describes where we are exactly. My daughters are 3 and 5. Time goes way to quickly. Just wanted to drop in from SITS and say hello. Oh, and you have a new follower!
Ugh! We are looking down the barrel of a #4 birthday and a #2 birthday. We don't have babies in our house for the first time EVER! I'm getting a little teary here people!
I love you two cents on your girls. I can see this now that my little one is out of her infant stage and onto her toddler stage. It is just amazing how fast time flies as they go through their stages. I am sad to see these changes but happy for her. I do not want to go back either. Lets move forward.
Happy Green day.
I am not good with time management, so I can't give my two cents today....sorry!! But I did give my "two cents" about my vacation...so check it out, if you'd like!!
I have no good advice for you on time management - but I'll be watching here for the advice you do get, 'cause I could use it too! We said we were done with kids after our second, but now that she's 6 months and her baby days are flying by so quickly, I can't stand the thought of never having another newborn! I just wish we could savor these days a little longer.... Great 2 cents post. I'm trying to think of one to get in on the action!
Time management is my ultimate weakness.
They do grow fast. My two kids are grown and out of the house on their own and I wish for them to be back. I do have one adorable granddaughter who we enjoy immensely. From the time she was a newborn I told my daughter, 'don't wish her littleness away, she'll do everything too soon as it is'. Luckily my daughter listened.
I hate to tell you this but it goes too fast no matter what you do. But you'll be very happy years from now when you think back to all you were able to do with your kids.
Sorry, I forgot to say thanks for comin' by my blog. You have a wonderful blog here and your kids are adorable. Have a great St. Patty's Day.
Visiting from SITS, Happy St. Patty Day!!!
HIYA I suck at time management, so...I'm no help there, but I hope you don't mind me linking up today. I have some good advice over at my place. :)
have a great day! ♥
I agree with Annie up there! Flylady.net saved my sanity! I was able to really get organized using her system!
I am understanding what you are saying now. I can't believe how fast the kids are growing before my eyes.
I've decided to not blink...I'm losing sleep!!! And, I'm not encouraging anything developmental either!
You have a very good point -- I remember being so anxious to get to the "next stage" of my son's development -- when will he walk, when will he talk, when will he smile, when will he eat regular food. And now I wish I had been more relaxed during the journey and savored each stage. At the time, it feels like each stage is NEVER going to end .. but of course it does and then you mourn its loss. Time just seems to go by so fast when you have a child -- you just blink and its gone. I go today to register my son for Kindergarten and I can't believe my baby is ready for Kindergarten!
I think I will try to do this Two Cent Tuesday in the future ... it seems like fun! : )
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