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Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Fragments

Starbucks has yanked the Toffee Crunch bar right out from under me and they won't return my phone calls. The guy who works the morning shift is going to file a restraining order if I don't stop showing up begging for him to bring back the sugar loaded goodness. He knows something, I know he does.
Taco Bell stopped offering the Bacon Smack Taco. Did anyone else get to try it before they pulled the plug? It was a crunchy taco with an outer flour tortilla adhered together with a paste of bacon and nacho cheese. Hungry?
I know how to make a dish created entirely from bacon.
Please Note:I like to think of the jiggle in my wiggle as Filet Mignon, not fat.
It's time for Friday Fragments over at Half-Past Kissin' Time. Just gather up some bits and pieces in one post and link up. Click below for some great fragments and to join in. She is also gathering a list of pet peeves so don't forget to email her the number one thing that gets under your skin!

Half-Past Kissin' Time


Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

They yanked the Toffe Crunch Bar at Starbucks?????How dare they?
I want the recipe for the dish created entirely out of bacon!!
I want for you to box up that lovely lil one and post her to me so that I can smother her with hugs and kisses, feed her ice cream and lollipops and take her to ride horses. I'll send her back when I'm done.....I promise :)
Hope your weekend is filled with love, joy and laughter TuTu :)

Steady On
Reggie Girl

♥ Kathy said...

Are YOU hungry? LOL mmm Bacon :D

Danyele Easterhaus said...

what in the world were they thinking....toffee crunch and getting rid of it???

ok, so here's the other delio...no decaf after 12 noon...what? but, my barista makes me an americano for the same price...that's a deal!

Anonymous said...

Toffee and bacon...be still my heart.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Then...I like my filet mignon, too! I'll wrap mine in bacon and we'll call it a day.

Amy said...

I do not like that when you find something you really like . You go in to order it and they say "Oh we do not have that anymore" Or we just ran out. As you scan the room to see who got the last one.
Happy Friday.

Amy said...

Okay I hope my comment was sent. I pushed publish and then I usually see something like "approval blah" I did not see that. I will be back I guess to see if it really did post.

Amy said...

This time I saw it. Let me know what happens.

DiPaola Momma said...

We need to get togther and plan our midnight raid on Starbucks.. NO BODY pulls my TuTu's Toffee NO BODY!

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of either of those culinary treats and maybe that's a good thing since they've been discontinued. Fight the good fight!

Smoochiefrog said...

Please Note:I like to think of the jiggle in my wiggle as Filet Mignon, not fat.

Amen sista! Amen! That's what I'm claiming too!

I've never heard of that Taco. Sounds interesting though. :)

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Those idiots! They don't know who they're dealing with, do they???

Smart Mouth Broad said...

I've never tried the Toffee Crunch bar or the Bacon Smack Taco. But now you've made me hungry.........again.

Mrs4444 said...

I'm so full as I read this right now, I do not feel your bacon-nacho sadness, but I'm sure I will consider whipping one of those up the next time we make them at home! Thanks for the linky love!

HeatherPride said...

Bacon Smack taco?? Really? I'm kind of sorry they pulled that before I got a chance to try it.

...or am I?

Mrs4444 said...

P.S. The peeves post is scheduled for tomorrow :)

Mocha Dad said...

All recipes should include bacon, even desserts.