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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spreading the Linky Loving

Please CLICK HERE for contest details and to enter the surprise giveaway before you go.
This is the day I get to be free with my Linky Loving so if you have time to spare laughing, loving and spreading warm fuzzies get comfortable. If you are fighting a strong bloggy addiction and on the road to recovery RUN! Run now, run far and run fast.

Some of my favorite bloggers had me laughing even in the midsts of my full frazzle day.
I loved this post, Be on the Look-Out for...
And Jenners kept me calm and entertained with her games and Easter Bunny humor.
My life was incomplete until I came across this post by Ronda,
The Shelf Life of Boobies

A round of hugs and laughs for my fellow frazzled moms today. Who else is having one of those days? Today I straightened half my hair before the baby decided to toss herself over the edge of the empty tub and slide the porcelain slope like a human luge. She popped up laughing but I was so frazzled that I unplugged the straightening iron mid-frizz and left the house half curly. I also offended photobucket in some mysterious way and our truce has ended. It is holding the adorable collage I made for the charity auction hostage at an undisclosed location. In it's place is an ugly void that refuses to be filled. I have tried to curse the empty photobucket space into submission but the ugly void remains and my pretty collage is still missing. If there is anyone trained in hostage negotions around here? Feel free to visit
THE TUTU AUCTION and enter hostage negoations for the release of my collage.
Funny Linky Loving inspired by...

Show me the Funny!

Sarah @ The Bowl


Unknown said...

happy thursday!! at least you didnt leave the house with two different shoes as i once did! (brown birkenstocks and black birkenstocks look a lot alike in some lights!!!!)

Anonymous said...

I read that post by Ronda...too funny!!

Jennifer said...

You have been tagged over at my blog!!

Laura Marchant said...

Oh that Jenners, she is a funny one!

We need a pic of your hair today, lol!

That Girl said...

Hi, stopping by from SITS.
Have a great day!

Amy said...

You sure have a lot going on. Have a great day.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

drop dead, hilarious! pee my pants funny!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Good luck with photobucket. It definitely has a mind of it's own. Can you upload it again?

Off to read about my boob shelf life!

Grand Pooba said...

LOL, oh this post made me laugh! I am no good in hostage situations although the only advice I can give is bribery. Got any twinkies? I was always able to bribe my little sisters with twinkies. Never failed!

♥ Kathy said...

That was too funny. Bless your heart. My naturally frizzy hair feels for you. And um, photobucket has never stolen any of my pics but they stole some of my friends and she never got them back :( I hope that's not the case with you too.

The Blonde Duck said...

The shelf life of boobies? I'm so curious!

Heather said...

Thanks so much for stopping by the other day and leaving a comment. I love your blog, too!

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

I'm just willing to bet that no one handles the frazzle better than you do :)
I'll bet you never even let anyone see you sweat (or glisten as we say here in the South, lol.....it's still sweat, no?).
Take good care and.......

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Jenners said...

Oh wow! Thanks for mentioning me! I feel very honored. And I'm so glad to have added a little bit of laughter to your day and helped with the frazzlement. If my kid did a bathtub luge run, I think I would have fainted!