Two things I vowed never to be:
1. A counting mom
1. A counting mom
2. A sticker chart mom
I have no idea why but they epitomized "mother" to me. So grown up and serious. YIKES!
I broke my counting rule before my first daughter was out of the womb. "You're Daddy is on leave so you have until the count of three to exit my womb young lady". It didn't work then and it doesn't work now but I'm a counter. I can admit it. After five years I finally started shopping for gold starts but I couldn't crumble. Not yet. Instead we have the "Prize Petal" game.
Object of the game:
Player must help their flower blowing in the breeze return to the empty stem.
Player moves down every time a rule is followed and a chore is completed. If a rule is broken the player must move back one space.
If the flower makes it to the stem by sunset the player wins a prize. If not the player is blown back to the beginning.
Cork board
Push Pins
Push Pins
Silk Flowers
Scrapbook Paper
The Game Board:
The game board is just painted cork board. I can't paint so I taped off the horizon and sponge painted above and below. I cut the flowers/ ladybug from scrapbook paper. I sealed them with mod podge.
!! Don't use scrapbook paper near the places you will want to place your push pins !!
The Game Pieces:
I used tall plastic push pins and simply hot glued flowers and butterflies onto the tops.
Optional Reward Books and Planner:
You can make your own schedule and reward cards by whole punching index cards and holding them together with a metal ring or ribbon. Post rules, rewards or daily activities and hang them on the board.
You can easily adapt to any theme for any age child. Families with multiple children could "race" each other to the finish. You do not have to use flowers or a garden theme. There are endless possibilities. "Buggy Behave" would be cute and you could substitute plastic spiders push pins for the silk flowers.
**If this post inspires you to make your own chore chart game I would love to see it and share it on my blog. Just let me know!! I might have a special prize for my favorite. You just never know.
Lots of love from a "nearly" sticker chart momma!!
Two other places for design inspiration if your feeling crafty...
What a lovely way to encourage good behavior! Any ideas for teenagers? Your talents are endlessly wonderful!
That's awesome!!! You ARE one crafty gal. Thanks for the love!
wow this is great. i want to use it for potty training. have a great day.
This is so cute....
My girls are all grown up now and miraculously they keep their apartments clean and tidy. I suppose they learned by imitating because I never doled out chores. But I love your job / sticker chart.
Hope your day is beautiful
I am a counter as well. My kids just count back at me. Oh well!! I love the chart. I did a sticker chart for my oldest to get him to go potty. I may have to do this one for Bitty. It's very cute!
This is absolutely brilliant! Thanks for sharing!!
Haha. I am a counter...not doing stickers yet. A visiting SITSta. Great idea!
I like that much better than the stickers!!
I am willing to try anything for better behavior. We've been through countless sticker charts, jars with points, time outs etc. My kid just does not care enough about "rewards." Oh well...
I came through SITS... and I have a giveaway at my Apron Goddesses site that you may like. :)
Stopping by from SITS and thought I would say Hi!
Please read about the FOLLOWERS widget because you are having the same problem :o)
Either at Known Blogger Problems or at the top of my right side bar.
I love stuff like this! Glad I'm following you.
If you get a chance come check out my giveaway going on! Thanks!
What a cool idea!
Just stopping by from SITS! LOVE your blog. You have beautiful children and such beautiful pictures too!! You are very talented.
Have a great Tuesday!
I just love is so fantastic and awesome! We are sadly using sticker charts here.
Looks like a great idea.
I've started a sticker chart but it seems to be losing steam. I am totally going with the petal game.
You never cease to amaze're a freakin' phenome!
So, I misspelled "phenom"...sorry, but I'm sure you got the point! ;)
Thanks for stopping by..More posts to folloow on my blog. I am just starting.. Craziness. Love,Love the TuTu's.. My daughters started a site on Etsy called More jewelry to come..Follow me so we can stay in touch.. Thanks again..
Heather TFF
This is such a great idea! PS -- LOVE LOVE LOVE your pictures <3! Is all I have to say! my daughter is 3 and 1/2 and sticker/rewards charts have never worked but if I made this one maybe she would start cooperating!
Jen, this game is genius and beautiful as well! I'm going to make something similar for my son to help him reach a goal. Perhaps I'll swap the flower for pieces of a robot. Thanks for sharing!
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