This is Wilson. We found him hungry and chirping, "mama". My daughter wanted to feed him love. I couldn't find a nest, no anxious parents. He wouldn't take water. What to do? Bring him in and let her see the hard lesson that sometimes love is not enough. Is five too young to learn that you can't will someone to live? How long could we even keep him alive? Would it be cruel or kind? I googled nursing baby birds, bird sanctuaries and by the time I was done he was gone. I have my own cynical theories about his fate but my daughter keeps watering them down with her incessant hope. Every bird is Wilson. Wilson learned to fly. Wilson grew up.Wilson got married. Wilson had babies. Our home is now a Wilson sanctuary and we go through pounds of seed feeding his "family". Who knew that so much redemption, love and hope could fit in a seven pound bag of bird seed? 
I had this post ready and waiting before I even popped over to check out Angie's post. Head over to 7 Clown Circus for Wordful fun and see how great minds think alike!!
Awwwwwwwwww, isn't that just too adorable for words?
My wordful is posted....mine is of the feathered kind. Johnathon Livingston's kin. Stop by if you can.
AWWW! Look how tiny!
He sure is cute! Hopefully Wilson is off somewhere learning how to be a "big" bird. Dropping by to say thank you for visiting me on my SITS day! Have an AWESOME day today!
"Who knew that so much redemption, love and hope could fit in a seven pound bag of bird seed?"
Wow, I love that. Good stuff!
what a sweet ww post!!
my WW:
Too cute! Stopping by from sits
That's SOOO cute!
AWWThis is so cute! Stopping by from SITS to leave some hump day love! cute!
I found you through sits and I must admit I am enjoying your blog. Your little ladies are darling.
Oh what a precious little bird!
Wow! Great pictures! Do you take them? Found you through sits!
Oh, so very sweet for her to want to love him. But I am curious to know what your theories are (as to what happened to him)! ;)
So, what a sweet little tiny guy!
ha! Great minds really do think alike! :) :)
awww how sweet love your post
Love TuTu Bliss
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