I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
Follow at your own risk. You'll find the follow button at the bottom of the side bar.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy at Maximum Capacity

My life is too full of happy for just one woman to bear. To celebrate all of this good fortune and the minor mishaps that keep life interesting I am planning another Aloha Giveaway. I can't wait to share my favorite flavors and scents of Hawaii with you!!! Visit the
Announcements for all the latest details and events. Please contact me if you have a product fit for paradise that you would like to add to the prize basket!!

It is my special day! I plucked the breastache and even shaved above the knee. That's right, I broke out the razor AND the tweezers. So can anyone guess the cause for such celebration? Is it girls night out, free boob job day, my birthday or national bacon day? Nope. Well, I did just turn 29 but that is NOT what all the fuss is about. You get tons of birthdays but only one SITS day! The most amazing collection of comment givers in blogland will be stopping by to pour on the comment loving.

The best reads come from my comment box rather than the posts. My box is stuffed with confessions, tears, prayers, recipes and giggles. A comment free blog is about as exciting as a plain baked potato. I am forever grateful to the wonderful readers that make sure this blog comes fully loaded. Comment Queens are the chives, bacon, sour cream and extra cheese that make blogging worthwhile. The latest additions to the Comment Queen hall of fame....

The Blonde Duck always checks in and lets me know I'm not blogging to myself. She is "Giddily Married" and it's nearly contagious. I'm glad I discovered such a joyful treasure in my comment box.

Em earned her Comment Queen status by giving me a hysterical visual and a little taste of raising boys. She asked my opinion on gluing Hotwheels to a pacifier instead of flowers. As a mom to all girls I love these little glimpses into raising boys.

(As always this award comes with NO requirements, rules or regulations. Just relax and bask in the glow of your award winning comment leaving goodness!!!)

Heather and Tiffany are the ultimate Comment Queens. They are the brains and beauty behind...

Their carpal tunnel syndrome is the path to endless comment loving and fabulous bloggy friends. Thank you both for my wonderful SITS feature and all your hardwork!!


mamammelloves said...

Happy SITS Day! Love your blog and all your ideas! :) Have a great day!

SugarandSpice said...

I wish I was witty enough to get an award on my comments. If anything I'll end up getting an award called "The Queen of Sap". I do agree...you will only be featured once....ahhhh I can dream of the day:) I hope yours is Truly filled with TUTU's BLISS:)

theUngourmet said...

Hope you are enjoying your day in the sun! Cute place you have here! :0)

Melissa said...

Nice warning at the top!

Happy SITS day! Enjoy the spot light...and the smooth thighs! LOL!

♥Jacqueline said...

Fellow sitsa doing a drive by! :o) Happy Sits day!

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see your name up there on SITS today!

I said that there is my Hawaiian homey.

Guess what we're making at our Brownie meeting (stop laughing) on Thursday?

Poi Balls! Yep, it's easy as punch to make them little suckers.

Now if only chocolate covered macadamia nuts could be so easy to make......

Corey~living and loving said...

Congrats on your big day. Glad you spiffied up for it. :)

Megan said...

LOL Your humor is great!

Congrats on your special SITS day! Bask in the comment love! =)

Jess said...

Happy SITS Day!

Yours Truly said...

Your pictures are so beautiful. I'm coming over from sits btw.

Barefoot Studios Ok, LLC said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!! =)

Crazee Juls said...

Happy Sits Day ! :) It is exciting...I would think. I've yet to have mine...and I'm not even sure my name's in the pot....Oh wait, this isn't about *me* it's about you. Loved the portrait pacifiers..makes me wanna give one to my 10 & 12 year olds...just cause they're that cute.

Liz said...

Congrats on your wonderful SITS day! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow girl! Our little Tutsies is the big Featured Blogger for today! Wa-hooooooo!!!

Upon this day I bestow to you endless comments, unbelievable amounts of bloggy love and a rockin' good time!

Congrats girlfriend!

Alluring Interiors said...

Congrats on your SITS day, doLL! EnJoy it! Great blog, imma go take a look around...

Sarahviz said...

Enjoy your SITS day! What a lovely blog!

scrappysue said...

congrats on your SITS DAY!!!!!

Drahdrah said...

Great Post ! Congrats again.

Liz Mays said...

Happy SITS day! You completely deserve it!

Dumb Mom said...

Hooray! Enjoy your day. And, thanks for getting all snazzied up for us. I was SO over your breaststache:)

Kool Aid said...

A fellow SITSta! I love your site - you take great pictures and have such a fun style of writing. Enjoy your day!

B said...

As I'm already a follower SITS have just confirmed what I already knew; I have great taste! Enjoy your day in the SITS sun - you deserve it ;O)

Ash said...

HEY!!! I came to wish you happy SiTS Day, and I get a shout out - now THAT is awesome SiTSerly love.

Have an wonderul, overwhelming, love-filled day. You totally deserve it - Em

Juanita said...

YEAH, Happy Happy SITS Day to You!! LOVE your blog & am so impressed by the painstaking (literally) steps you have taken to be at your very best on your special day! I'd shave my legs too if I were ever granted a SITS DAY!

Please come visit, I love guests! Got an awesome Product Review today - come see this delicious new healthy snack.

Again, Congrats & enjoy!

Kiki said...

Congrats on your SITS honor! Love your header. Adorable pix! Wish I was 29 again. I have yet to shave my legs. Thanks for the reminder. Must put on my to do list since I will be hitting the beach this weekend. Take care and enjoy your time in the spotlight!

Jennifer Juniper said...

Happy SITS day to you! I hope you get lots of bloggy love today and it leaves you smiling :)

Mommys Online Garage Sale said...

I'm proud to be a part of your "baked potato", lol. Happy SITS Day!

Aunt Julie said...

Congrats on your Featured Blogger Status. Hope you enjoy your SITS Day in the Sun!

Christina Lee said...

happy SITS day- can't wait to read more

Melissa B. said...

Hope your SITS Day is all you hoped for! Love the colors of this blog...

Miss Behavin said...

Stopping over from SITS to say hi and congratulations on being featured today.

Love your blog!

Becky said...

Enjoy your SITS day - your blog is beautiful.

Brandi said...

Yayy! Happy Sits day. :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats. on your day to shine:) I so enjoy your blog:)

ch said...

Congratulations on your big day! You have an awesome blog!!

For some reason I'm craving a loaded baked potato right now...

Have a great day basking in the of glory!

Robin said...

Aloha kakahiaka.....
Congratulations on your day in the SITS sun!

Have a beautiful day

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Have a GREAT SITS day!!
Jill from The Glen

mommakin said...

Can't wait to read more! Congrats on your SITS day!

Tara said...

Happy SITS day!!! thanks for cleaning up for us today... ;o) I ♥ tutus! can't wait to browse your blog!

Unknown said...

Wow your blog is awesome!! I love the lay out and you have some great information on there as well. Hope you have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Yippee Happy SITS day from me to you. Enjoy your day you deserve it.

Little Nut Tree said...

Happy SITS day! I'm glad they featured you, this is such a cool blog. Your baby's hair is brilliant.

Off to make today National Bacon Day in our house...what a great thought... I do love me some bacon.

Tiffany said...

Congrats on your Saucy day! Enjoy it fully!

Kristen said...

just discovered you via SITS. :)

Becky said...

Happy SITS day! Your photography is beautiful!

Cathy said...

Congrats on your day! Love your blog already!

Deb said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Your photographs are gorgeous. Love the glitter volcano!

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Happy SITS Day! Beautiful Blog...

Adriana said...

Happy SITS day! Can't wait to check out all the cute ideas and fun posts!

Jingle said...

HA! Breastache! LOL! That is flipp'n hilarious! LOL! Congrats on your feature today!

Mrs. M said...

Again, enjoy your day! I think you picked some really good posts!! ;-)

confused homemaker said...

Happy SITS Day! Congrats on being FB:-)

Lesley said...

Congratulations on your Special Day....Love your creativity, zest and flavor...you are just fun!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

YAY!!! It's your special day!


Enjoy every moment of bloggy goodness! Need a tiara for the day???

Debbie @ OtRD said...

Love your intro! Stopping by from SITS. Congrats on being the FB today!

Call Me Cate said...

Enjoy your SITS day! It's been awhile since I last visited but your blog is so vibrant and beautiful. Glad to find myself here again today.

Diane said...

congrats on being featured today! terrific place you've created here!

La Belle Mere said...

Congratulations on being a featured blogger!! Love your blog. Have a great day. x

roadrunner201 said...

What a cute blog. Your little ones are beautiful!

Mrs. Mootz said...

Happy SITS Day!!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Hi Jen,
Hope you get your potato fully loaded today. Happy SITS day!!

Rhonda said...

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day, I'm so glad to have found SITS too I get to see exciting/fun/emotional blogs all day long!! I love your site!

The Rambler said...

I'm stopping in to wish my girl a GREAT feature day at SITS.


Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

Happy SITS Day to you!!

Unknown said...

Congrats to your big day!! Hope you have lots of sunshine and comment love!

Valerie Gamine said...

Normally I don't venture out from the world of food bloggers but I'm glad to expand my horizons. You are hilarious. Now I know where to go for a laugh.

Happy SITS Day!

Rebekah said...

Happy SITS Day!! Enjoy your day!!

Darcel said...

Happy SITS day! Love your blog. I love your tagline. LOL
Your daughters are too cute.

Lift Like A Mom said...

Happy SITS day!! I really love all of your photos and your blog. Hope you have a great week :)

The Whites said...

Happy SITS day! enjoyed your blog. You have beautiful children!

Alex the Girl said...

Gluing hot wheels to a nukky, whoda thunk. I dunno if hot glue would work though, maybe super glue and make those suckers really stick.

Congrats on being chosen FB on this global warming Tuesday (it's hot...really hot).

Enjoy your day, and take advantage of those newly shaven legs! It's not everyday them razors make headline news.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! Great ideas.
Hope you can visit mine soon.
BR Designs

LisaLisa said...

Congrats on being FB...wishing you a wonderful day. What a beautiful blog you have.

shelley said...

hi jen,
what a great site! love you photo's!! congrats on being the sista of the day. love to meet new sista's.. only wish i was up early enought or late enough to make the top 10 list... somehow i'm always at the end even at 8 or 9am..

tiarastantrums said...

Happy SITs Day!

Amy said...

I am so happy for you Congrats to you. You are a wonderful person and I enjoy hanging out here for sure. Happy SITS Day.

Valerie said...

Congrats on being FB today! Great blog.

Hop you have a great SITS day!

BrnEyedGal said...

Hey...Im no stranger to your site, I just love it!
But I was so excited to see you were today's features blog on SITS...YAY!!!!
Just LOVE the pictures...I look forward to seeing em everytime I come to visit...you children are just precious.
Well...Happy SITS Day! Enjoy! :)

The Royal Family said...

I knew you before your sits day, I feel so special, but you really are the special one. Enjoy the attention!! :)

Mommy Bear said...

Enjoy your SITS day! You deserve it!

Unknown said...

happy SITS day!!
i look forward to browsing your blog -- enjoy your day fellow SITSta :o)

Karen M. Peterson said...

Happy SITS day! Very fun. Your kids are very cute!

Hope you have a great day.

Tiffany said...

Woooo Hoooo! Happy SITS Day to you! Enjoy all the loven' Your post totally make me laugh, I think it's because I can relate. : )

Christy said...

I'm so glad SITS featured you! You are certainly a tresure I'll look at often! Thanks!

KarieK said...

Happy SITS Day. I am a Martha Stewart type, so thank you for saving me from myself!!! LOL


Mommy of Many said...

Happy Sits Day! Shine! you deserve it. You have a great blog.

Unknown said...

Happy SITS Day! Your humor is wonderful, I've laughed through it all.......and I hope your nipple is healing, I scrolled down and read of your incident......ouch! This is so me odd comment love, we just met and I'm already hoping your nipple is well...LOL!

Megan said...

Have an utter fantabulous SITS day!!

Kimberly said...

82 comments. Holy Molley! Happy SITS day!!

Well,for us regular Tutu Bliss followers to those who just tuned in, you'll laugh, you'll cry, and you might even cringe reading this blog...But it's always great!

Now if I don't get lost on the way out the door, all these people, it's getting a little stifling in here!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Cute blog!

Happy SITS day and enjoy all the comment love!

Off to read more of your blog.

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

Happy sits day!

Lee said...

Congrats on your day in the SITS! Love your blog!

Mary K Brennan said...

Congrats on your big day. Your blog is awesome to read. Enjoy your day in the spotlight.

Unknown said...

I had to laugh at the carpal tunnel mention. I feel achy often after commenting on so many sites! Enjoy your day!!

Chere said...

Happy SITS day!

Dirty Mouth Mama said...

For the first time in a long time I've found a blog that makes it to bookmark status. From the bio to the Comment Queen idea this looks like a place I can hang.

I came over from SITS. Usually, I am about three days or three weeks late and never comment on the actually SITS DAY posts because of it.

So enough about me... You shaved above the knee!!!! Damn, you really are excited about your feature.

See you again real soon!

lemonologie said...

Happy SITS Day!

Carla said...

Happy SITSday!!!! (is there a free boob job or national bacon day???-if so SIGN ME UP:)

Kimi said...

Lovely blog. Happy SITS day. It is well deserved.

the818 said...

Happy SITS day! My favorite thing about the features is finding great new blogs to obsess over like yours. I'm about three months away from having a girl of my very own, and I can't wait!

the818 said...

Happy SITS day! My favorite part of the features is finding great blogs to obsess over like yours. I'm about to become Mom to a little girl of my own, and I can't wait.

jori-o said...

Your blog is delicious! =) I'm totally doing one of your fancy pacis when baby #4 is born in Sept---woohoo for girls!

Have a saucy day, Mama!

Steph said...

Happy SITS Day! Loved looking through your blog!

strokeofliving said...

I love your sense of humor, it reminds me of my own sometimes where I just type what's on my mind however mine can go on and on. My father has the nerve to tell me some of my blogs are longer than others LOL. But that's life hun? I am not raising children and I'm not married so I just blog about me. Good job on your SITS feature today. Your little ones are truly adorable.

Amy said...

Congrats on your SITS day! I am also a mom of all girls. I love your blog. Enjoy your day!

Star Forbis said...

Congrats on being the featured Blogger today! Cute Blog.

Mammatalk said...

So excited that today is your day! Enjoy! Enjoy!

http://www.papermoonies.blogspot.com said...

Happy Sits day to you darlin
Lovely baby's your intense infatuation for them is so cute.
I recall those days it was a lot of fun.
I enjoy your writting style.
Lovely days to you

brokenteepee said...

Happy SITS day. My kid was was a boy this year. He hops. A lot.

Enjoy all the comments!

Anonymous said...

Great Posts! Congrats! Enjoy the spotlight!

Aleta said...

What a lovely introduction for your Featured Blogger Day! Congrats and consider me the chive Lol. I'll be browsing around....

Camille said...

I pulled my razor out today as well - but not for the same exciting reason you did. Happy Sits Day! I love your humor.

Angela said...

I LoVe your blog!! I especially love the warning at the top. That is so great :) Thanks for a fun read and I will be back

Patrice said...

Happy SITS Day!! :) Enjoy your moment in the spotlight!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Happy SITS day! You are a funny and witty gal--I like that!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Have a wonderful day.The pacifiers are too cute.

RebeccaMom said...

have a fabulous SITS day!

Jackie said...

Happy SITS day!!!! I just joined the other day so this is the first time I've been to your blog - I love it!! I will be back again soon : )

Lins said...

Look at you go! Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being Saucy. I've visited your blog before and just love it. You always make me laugh!

Rosee Rouge said...

Happy SITS day! Enjoy your time in the sun!

Jennifer said...

Jen, your blog is so cute! I love your writing style, too!

Hope you enjoy being FB! Happy SITS Day!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Happy SITS Day! You are full of energy aren't you??? :)

thatgirlblogs said...

happy SITS! I followed you and snagged your button.


monica said...


Crystal Renee said...

HAPPY SITS DAY!!! Congrats!

Debbie said...

I hope you are having a great SITS day!

Life, Love And Lola said...


Terra Heck said...

Love your header. I think tutus are too too cute. Stopping by from SITS.

Lady Mama said...

Hey Jen, happy SITS day! A fellow disorganized, chaotic mom here. Really enjoyed reading through your blog and looking at the wonderful pictures, and will be stopping by again soon!

JessicaTKC said...

Congrats on your SITS feature day! Cute girls too!

The Blonde Duck said...

Awww! Thanks so much for the sweet things you said. And hear I was popping in to say happy SITS day! You deserve it, sweetie!

~ Julie ~ said...

Happy SITS day! Organized mom, I am not so I look forward to perusing your posts! :)

Eve said...

Happy SITS Day! Congratulations!

DiPaola Momma said...

YEAH it's your SITS day woman! Where is the "Two Cents"? Have I been away SOOO long that I missed something? I sure missed the new header.. I suck! But you know I wub the heck out of you if when I don't comment.

Audrey (the Hepburn House) said...

Congrats on your SITS day!! And I'm thinking I might just have to contact you about including one of my bra/panty (could look like a bikini top/bottom, right?!!)

Shawn said...

Hey----congrats on your day!

Great blog----your a funny gal!

Have a great one...

Unknown said...

Happy, happy SITS Day! Congrats and Hugs!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

You are hilarious... love your blog.. and I am the same way, I love the comments more than the posts sometimes! Happy SITS day!

Tricia said...

Happy SITS day! Enjoy it! Love your posts.

Bethany said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Your girls are beautiful!!!


Happy SITS day!! Congrats!

Amanda said...

Hope you enjoy your sits day... I am sure you will get a bunch of new readers from it!!



Congrats on your big day of being famous!!

Jennifer said...

happy SITS day! love your site!

Suzi said...

Happy SITS Day to you. Love the look of your place. Enjoyed the modesty post. I think during the whole child birth thing we all lose our modesty.

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!
I checked out the tutu's the other day I just haven;t had a chance to tell you A-DOR-A-BLE! Makes me wish I had a little girl. Maybe I'll have to make one!
Been trying to think of someone with a baby girl who was cool enough to have their baby sport the most awesome tutu's I've ever seen! No luck yet....Keep thinking!

Thanks for the Etsy link, very cool stuff! I love the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

this is a bliss.enjoyed your blog and creativity.

FancyPants said...

Happy FB Day! I hope that you enjoy it and get to relish in the comment love!

Michelle said...

Congratulations on being the SITS girl of the day! And I completely understood your ugly doll reference. :)

Reeni said...

Came to say hi from SITS. Hope your having a great day!

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Happy SITS Day! LOVE your blog and will be back!

Night Owl Mama said...

stopping in from the SITS congrats on being featured!! luv your header

Hee hee wanted to give you the excitement of another comment :) woot wooot

lbradshaw said...

Happy SITS Day! Your blog is great!

Bethany said...

Happy SITS day!! I'm off to explore your site, can't wait!

Anonymous said...

What a great post. I love your baked potato analogy but I was seriously disappointed that it was not National Bacon Day. LOL Stopping by from SITS.

Amy said...

Happy Happy SITS Day!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day! Can't wait to look around your blog.

mommy4life said...

Congrats! Off to look around and peek at your featured posts!

Toddler Craft Onna said...

What a great post! I am a newcomer to sits - joined last week- and to your blog, but I guarantee I'll be back after reading that post!! You have a great sense of humor!! I completely agree with you that comments really are a big part of what make a blog. It's the community and heart of the blog. You are at 159 comments already-wow-what a day! congrats on a great comment filled sits fb day!!

If your girls feel creative hop over to the Toddler Craft Art contest and giveaway. There are some great prizes for kids and adults!

*~Petra~* said...

Happy SITS day :) I LOVE the pics in the header. What cute girls. :)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!

Vickie said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

J said...

Happy SITS day!! Hope it was great!

Chandy said...

What a fun blog! Love the header!

Congrats on being featured today and I enjoyed reading all featured today!

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin your #1! YAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Margarita Bloom said...

Happy SITS day! Congrats on being Featured! You have such a cute blog!

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! Congrats on your sits day!

Dee said...

Congrats on being featured! You know I love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your day.

Your header is adorable!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Nice to meet you, such a cute family. Happy Sits Day.

Pseudo said...

Sorry I missed your SITS day and am a day late to the aprty. We went up to the North Shore yesterday for hub's day off. It was glorious.

You know I love your blog and your photos.

Jules said...

"shaved above the knee"
hahaha I love this. My husband will rub my leg, but even if it's smooth, he knows the TRUE test is right above the knee. this made me chuckle

congrats on SITS! I just joined today, and that is where I found your blog... I love it. I can't wait to have children so I am really enjoying reading through your posts

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Happy Sits Day to you!!! Love your blog and the attitude you bring to it.

GINNA said...

Just dropping by from SITS. Your blog is funny...keep it up!!!

Ali said...

I'm a few days late in commenting but I just wanted to say congrats on being the featured blogger!

The Dapper Darling said...

love the blog...its tutu cute :) I just had to!

Secrets said...

Love the blog!

Priscilla - The Wheelchair Mommy said...

I just have to say that I must see the hotwheels paci post by the other blogger .. thanks for the link to her blog, heheh.

Brigetta Schwaiger said...

Happy SITS Day! Love your saucy style.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Happy SITS Day! (sorry I'm late! I've been woefully lacking in my time on the computer recently...)

Hope it was BLISSful and that you were showered with comments!