Here are some excerpts from some of the love notes hubby and I exchanged while he was in Iraq.
Friday, September 16, 2005 2:42 AM (From Me Anxious for his "R&R")
Sorry Rew's e-mail got sent 3X. She was helping. I love you very much. We've had a really rough morning. I don't think Rew is feeling good. She hasn't slept well the last few nights and this morning she was so fussy that even a popsicle didn't help. She was just screaming, crying and holding onto my neck so tight I could barely breathe. She had a death grip on me like she was afraid I'd leave if she let up her grip. One handed, I put in a video and we cuddled on the floor for about thirty minutes. I fell asleep with her little arm wrapped around my neck and her face buried in my shoulder. When I woke up she was still awake and had let up her grip a little but wouldn't let me out of arms reach the rest of the morning. At times like this I wish she could tell me what was wrong. It hurts so much not being able to make it better. I love you. I hope I get to hear from you soon. I think with Rew not feeling well and you on your way but not here has made me out of sorts. I'm very emotional. I cried at the grocery store!!! Pathetic, I know. I love you, Jen
What I didn't say but he knew I meant... "I'm lost without you. Faced daily with your mortality is too much. I'm reduced to an anxious mess and even the baby senses it. I'm worried that you will be disappointed in the emotional, whining wreck I've become. "
Friday, September 16, 2005 2:42 AM (His Response)
It's not pathetic baby doll. I have my moments probably more so than you right now. Some days I feel ok and then some I feel as if the world is crashing down, and I can't get home soon enough. I love you darlin'. I hope that you know that. I will be home soon now. I am in Balad, next stop Kuwait. I love you darlin'. jw
Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 4:21 AM
(From Hubby, Already Gone Again)
I am sorry that REW and you are so sad. I wish that I could be there to comfort you this very moment. Although you don't realize it, I do cuddle you in your sleep. Usually at least twice a night. You just smile and cuddle into me. I love you darlin'. Tell REW that Da Da will be home as soon as he possibly can. jw
The real message hidden in every word he ever wrote to me no matter how simple or brief.... "Right now, I am alive. Today, I am in one piece. Today I am whole. Right now you can sleep. Sleep knowing that you were able to log another minute as my wife and not my widow".
Hubby came home after two tours in Iraq. He returned with dirty laundry and fewer love notes. I haven't cried in the grocery store in a long time now but when I do I know he'll love me anyway.
The image in this post is a photograph of a memorial to soldiers who died in Iraq. I am amazed at this photographers ability to capture the brevity of life with a single photograph. This image touched me for obvious reasons. It reminds me that there are so many that did not come home. My heart and love goes to all the families navigating through the pain and loss that I feared daily but never experienced. I am inspired by your strength and in awe of the love that survives war and death.
You can admire more of Andy Dunning's moving photography
HERE . The proceeds from his sales go towards volunteer organizations in Latin America. He is happy to offer any image in other sizes as well. Don't be afraid to ask.
And Mama Kat's offering up her weekly bloggy inspiration. Blog over, catch the creative spark. Share your own love letter and more!