There are moms that can juggle multiple children, dispute a credit charge and perform open heart surgery while surfing the Internet. I am not THAT mom. I am coming to terms with it. There are also women that can wear "skinny pants" with tapered ankles. I am not that woman either. I have better sense than to ever try to roll my body into "THOSE" pants so why am I still trying to be "THAT" mom? If something doesn't fit just don't wear it. It sounds easy enough. Pants are easy to pass over but my "Supermom" complex is tougher to shelve away. Who can resist a cape and the super human ability to clean, cook and make your own play dough while wearing a stacked wedge and a frilly apron?
I would love to tell you that I am doing something fantastic and inspiring during bloggy lapses. However, I'm not creating an ant farm from a milk bottle and discarded rubber bands. I am not rocking my inner fashion diva or cooking scampi and baking bread from scratch. I am not taking pole dancing classes or learning kick boxing. I am not on a path to self improvement or on a spiritual quest. I am not running a marathon or traveling the world to cure hunger or even working on a novel. I'm really not. I am showering a little longer, napping, microwaving dinner and reading Skippy Jon Jones complete with accents, twice. So if I am not around I may be losing the smack down with my temperamental computer or I might be doing absolutely nothing and I'm okay with that, almost.
You know how much I adore enabling your blog addiction so here you go, click on the button below and prepare to fall head over heels for...

The Comment Queen Award has no rules, requirements or special instructions. It is yours to do with as you will. It is intended to bring the recipient warm fuzzies and requires no work, acknowledgement or even words of gratitude. If you win it you already earned it so just relax and enjoy anyway you see fit!
OK, taking longer showers makes you superhuman in my mind. We all know that is a feat in itself!
Oh my gosh! I can barely see through my tears to type!! I am actually doing the "ugly cry" right now. You have no idea how much this means, how much I needed this today! Thank you. Sincerely, thank you!!
Love it. I would love to rock a stacked wedge and a frilly apron...but I'll settle for a pony tail, shorts, and a tee.
Won't the kids remember Skippy John's accent (I love to do this too) over being so put together? Yes, I think so too!
Keep doing the encores - these make memories. Read Big Wide Mouth Frog as well with crazy accents - too fun!
i am thinking about how to make an ant farm out of a milk bottle...i think i need therapy!
I make a a goal to do one "thing" a day out of normal. If it is take the kids somewhere, bake bread, play a new game we do one thing. I can't handle anything else, lol.
In my moment of emotion, I forgot to mention...I LOVED this post. You are an inspiration. You give me courage to embrace not being "that mom", courage to just be me. Thanks! (((hugs)))
Love your honesty. And, I cook with the tv on (Olivia) in my jeans and t-shirt!
And, I'm off to check out anybody that can make fun of Nancy P and still be as good as bacon!
Damn you, tutu! Now I've added yet another blog to my daily read! Loving snarky!
I loved this post. I'm not THAT mom either. Though I do try in my own way to make life better for myself and my family, but I have to say that all in all I'll opt for that little bit longer shower over making beds any day. Besides, the kids can make their own beds...
I live in a town full of That Moms. Sometimes its all I can do to get out of bed and perhaps shower... I don't need to be grinding my own flour. Sheesh!
Don't sweat all those things. I totally ran a marathon, while in stilettos, as I was making a shrimp scampi with a miniature blow torch. And it was just okay. I'd way rather me napping and blogging. =)
What a great post! I think we all should accept who we are and be happy with ourselves, good bad and in -between.
OK. We'll be there in January. I totally want the inside scoop on where to go.
Thanks for stopping by and helping me celebrate my sits day today! I had ginormous fun.
I think you are doing all the right things!!!!
I came across your blog and I absolutely love it!!! I love your products!!!!!
Tiffany Pifer
I loved this post! And I love that you stopped by my blog! thanks! Come by anytime!
Thanks for stopping by on my blog. I have enjoyed looking yours over and getting to know you.
I finally realized I don't have to be a supermom. Turns out I'm a better mom when I'm not trying to be supermom. Go figure.
Loved this post.
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