Guess who will be playing the youngest vampire in the history of Twilight!? Move over Dakota there is a new Vamp in town!

April Fools!You can play along too over at I ♥ faces !

How did I create my little Twilight star?
I used Photoshop Elements. I cut and pasted her fangs from a vampire photo and changed her hair by changing the tone and color saturation. Her creamy pale complexion is courtesy of an overcast rainy day. Now I'm off to vamp hubby into Edward. Rest assured our princess will NOT be vamping up the Twilight set at the tender age of four. The photo is enough to creep me out.
Too funny! What a fun April Fool's Day!
AWESOME one!! Love those teeth and her new hair-do. Ha!
co-founder of iHeartFaces
A baby Cullen! ha!
So funny! I hope we get to see your second "fix" too. :)
Hahaha Aw that is cute :)
Welcome to the twilight phenomenon ;)
Love it!
Great one babe GREAT!
Oh...this one bites! I mean, it really, truly sucks! Especially since MY daughter wanted that role! Seriously, this is funny! Great job.
It is kinda creepy!! There's something about little kid ghosts and little kid vampires that are even scarier than the grown-up versions!
I love this. Happy April Fool's Day to you. I would hired her.
hahha, love it, looks so real! awesome
Funny! I just started reading twilight this weekend too!
She's too cute to be scary!
LOVE it!! TOO cute!!
Brilliant!! I saw a t-shirt in Target's kid section that said, "I don't care about being a princess. I want to be a vampire." I almost bought it.
Creepy, but VERY cool!
I love your photoshop skills!
It kinda scared me
You had me fooled! Too cute!
You're too funny. Great idea! She's a doll!
Very cool picture!
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