I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009


Yesterday's post was REALLY steamy for my blog. I rarely break out my big girl words and five years with princess diva has conditioned me to say "hoo ha" or "business" instead of vagina. If a post is titled Jello Jigglers it is safe to assume you're going a find a recipe for food here and not romance. Implied "Snuggle Time" is usually as racy as it gets and if I am feeling really feisty I say flippin'. But sometimes a mom needs a big girl fix. So where do you turn? Cosmo depresses me but so does "Good Housekeeping". I'd rather blog on over to
TATTOOED MINIVAN MOM for an instalment of COSMOM. She supplies my big girl fix. She never ever disappoints and after reading one post I felt like her instant friend for life. She has the kind of raw unapologetic honesty and female bonding going on over there that usually takes several shots of vodka and shared embarrassment to cultivate. Right now her comment box is full of some serious and hysterical big girl talk. The kind that would make me blush just to type here so you'll just have to blog over and find out for yourself.
Head over to TATTOOED MINIVAN MOM for your dose of funny.
And if you still find yourself laugh deficient then Thoughts from the Toilet Bowl has a wild little bit called "Show Me the Funny."
Show me the Funny!


Random Hiccups said...

It was great to have you stop my my blog today. I went to Tattooed minivan. Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation!

I like the steamy post of yesterday. Hubs and I just got married 2 months ago, and if we have a marriage like that in seveeral years time when I have a baby... man, I'll have it made.

Thanks for the cheer-up! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommendation...I'm heading over!

Laura Marchant said...

I am going to have to check her out.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Off to check her out!

Amy said...

I loved your post yesterday. It made me smile. Have a great day.

Hope you come by tomorrow for my big event. Round Robin.

The Blonde Duck said...

And here I just thought you were aiming for a career as a romance writer...

Unknown said...

LOVE tattooed minivan mom!

Kimberly said...

I enjoyed yesterdays post.


Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I do love her, but haven't been over this week. I'll go check it out, as big girl time is a rare commodity here as well.

Jenners said...

I feel the same way about her blog ... it is a great place to let your hair down with the girls!

KatBouska said...

I love her...and for the same reasons. She's like that daring friend who does and says all the things you think about doing and saying but never actually do or say.