During labor with my first daughter I thought, "Epidurals are for Weenies!" Buck up and take it like a woman. My uterus was a flower, just like my peace loving Lamaze instructor said. With each contraction my womb unfurled like a rose opening. I was six centimenters dilated and maintaining composure during a complicated pregnancy and then POOF out the door went my desire to have a "natural" childbirth. I had an emergency Cesarean and my daughter spent a week in NICU and longer with specialists.
So for number two I was unafraid of the "pain". I just wanted a healthy baby via VBAC. I was still positive that every woman's uterus could "blossom" and epidurals were for weenies. Then I was hit with Braxton hits that rivaled my pit juiced first baby contractions. When official baby day hit I was on my knees before I even hit the hospital. My uterus was NOT a flower blooming, these petals were not unfurling. My Uterus was an carnivorous woman eating plant. I begged for drugs. The anesthesiologist was "indisposed" for over two hours. There was a woman screaming when I gave birth to my first daughter and I thought, "Simmer down. I'm trying to have a baby here. It's not that bad". Now I know her uterus was an angry plant. Dear brave soul, I'm sorry I doubted you. Rest assured that God has a sense of humor and put the smack down on my smugness. I nearly heard his voice beneath my own screaming agony, "Ah Ha! Take that Little Mrs. Mom Snobbery!".
** My two cents is that just like every baby is different so is every birth even right down to the contractions. Be warned!

During labor with my first daughter I thought, "Epidurals are for Weenies!" Buck up and take it like a woman. My uterus was a flower, just like my peace loving Lamaze instructor said. With each contraction my womb unfurled like a rose opening. I was six centimenters dilated and maintaining composure during a complicated pregnancy and then POOF out the door went my desire to have a "natural" childbirth. I had an emergency Cesarean and my daughter spent a week in NICU and longer with specialists.
So for number two I was unafraid of the "pain". I just wanted a healthy baby via VBAC. I was still positive that every woman's uterus could "blossom" and epidurals were for weenies. Then I was hit with Braxton hits that rivaled my pit juiced first baby contractions. When official baby day hit I was on my knees before I even hit the hospital. My uterus was NOT a flower blooming, these petals were not unfurling. My Uterus was an carnivorous woman eating plant. I begged for drugs. The anesthesiologist was "indisposed" for over two hours. There was a woman screaming when I gave birth to my first daughter and I thought, "Simmer down. I'm trying to have a baby here. It's not that bad". Now I know her uterus was an angry plant. Dear brave soul, I'm sorry I doubted you. Rest assured that God has a sense of humor and put the smack down on my smugness. I nearly heard his voice beneath my own screaming agony, "Ah Ha! Take that Little Mrs. Mom Snobbery!".
** My two cents is that just like every baby is different so is every birth even right down to the contractions. Be warned!
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i'm FIRST!?!! how cool!!! my two cents - i totally agree with you... every baby and every woman is different and it's far more important that the mom and the baby are SAFE. my daughter required pitocin to get her contractions started up when hers eased off a bit... she had some scar tissue on her cervix that interefered with her body's ability to "flower" - haha i like that one. however, i DID have all four of my babies drug free, painkiller free, and in out of hospital birthing centers. my experience was SO text book and SO relatively easy, all four times around, that my daughter told my father i "lied" to her about how easy it was to have a baby!!! people are different... viva la difference! :)
You just talked me out of having kids for a long time!
LOL - I gladly took the drugs for the first two hospital births....but because insurance wasn't footing the bill this time we opted for the birthing center/midwife = not a drug in site. I have to say I liked this better than the first two, because I liked the midwife approach, but by baby #3 I feel that my flower was a little wilted and wasn't in any shape to put up a fight. It tried to spit that baby out just as quickly as it could. So no drugs were OK. BUt don't try this at home!
That is by far the best analogy I have ever read for a woman's uterus.
I love women like you...those that believe they would like to give birth without the help of drugs and then later discover it is perhaps not the best idea. I come from the school of thought that drugs are blissful and pure. If I can deliver children without pain, sign me up!
ITA agree with your two cents. =)
Happy Tuesday!
I never even had the desire to do it nautral! No thanks, give me the drugs. Good for you for even thinking it. Although I didn't get to the hospital with my 3rd until I was dialated to a 9. My girlfriend had both of her kids at home with a mid wife!!! NO THANK YOU
Oh, yes, they are totally different! Sooooo different. And after my first, I was so glad that the second was much easier (and yes, please to the epidural)!!
Yeah...I agree. I tried being a brave mommy, too, with my 1st and I lasted 16hrs before getting the epi. But -- with nothing but back pain...I couldn't hold out any longer. Now, with my 2nd, I was induced and the ctx were harder, so I went ahead and caved for the epi again! To each his own...I'm not any lower than those "all-natural" mommies IMHO! I love this idea!
I would agree but....I stopped at 1! It left a big enough impression on me, there was NO WAY I was gonna see if another time would be different! LOL!
I think not only are every birth and every baby different but so is every woman. Some woman can handle in in home birth or giving birth in their bed. Personally, I'd be very disturbed sleeping in my bed post birth. Same with drugs. I'd rather not, but some woman wouldn't be able to give birth without them. Uniqueness...It's what makes life spicy!
I'm back =D You need any chicken recipes you just ask, I'm your girl!
So I thought I'd come by...
This is my first visit and I like what I see.
I'll be back. Who doesn't like giving their two cents?
(Although I'm a little scared to have a second child now. My first labor wasn't that bad and I thought that meant I was in the clear for number 2 as well).
I had both my children all natural, in the hospital. The first went text book - relatively quick once things got moving. I only pushed for 30 min or so. So I was mentally prepared going into the second that I could handle the pain. Been there done that. well doesn't karma have a way of kicking you in the ass or should I say *flower* haha. My second child decided he would be sunny side up which resulted in the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced. Ten times worse than anything I felt the first time around. I remember looking over to my husband and saying - I'm not sure I can do this. BUT I made it though *just barely*
This is my first time to your site - and that is my two cents :) Thanks for sharing your story, it made me laugh-out-loud!!
i did it I did it I did it! :)
Thank you for inviting me! :)
ok not sure this went thru or not... but I did it!!!
Thank you for inviting me :)
I am SO following you now.. :)
As always, I LOVe hearing your two cents! If I were to give my two cents on 5 childbirths we'd be here till next Tuesday. I think I'll kick back and just read everyone else's stuff.
After a lengthy labor (no drugs)with my first, we discovered he was stuck,so an emergency c-section was done. I swore that there would be no more kids. No. 2 came two weeks early (I had the drug with this one). No. 3, they couldn't find the right vertebre for the magic drug, so I had none. No. 4, I let them talk me out of having the drug...they kept saying "10 more minutes...10 more minutes". This one was the first one to break water.
My flower has been in a deep sleep since then!
I absolutely love your photos!
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