I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
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Monday, December 22, 2008

Push Prize! SO ME!

When I was pregnant there was a lot of talk about Push Prizes for mothers. The debate was over whether mother's should get a push prize for popping out a baby? Pregnant mothers gasped in shock, "My healthy child is the true gift. She is the prize". My response, "NOT ME!! I'll take the prize too". Hubby and I both have the blessing but I have a mangled abdomen and a tilted uterus. Now does that sound fair? Are we really even?
So what is the perfect push prize? It really depends on the mom but it does not have to be expensive. Keep your diamonds. After the birth of our first daughter I just wanted food. Hubby brought me dinner to the hospital. It was steamed crab. He cracked it and fed it to me by hand. Then he sliced open large strawberries and sandwiched them together with marshmallow cream. Despite the pain medication and the hospital ambience it was worth a million candlelit dinners in swank restraunts. It is still in my top five of most romantic moments of all time.
So a self sacrificing mother who expects nothing but her post birth glow? Well that really is NOT me!! I will not be hopping up to cook dinner just hours post baby. Nope, I will be propped back in bed waiting to be hand fed. That is soooo me!! Am I spoiled? Absolutely, I don't mind fessing up to it after enduring hours of labor and pushing drug free just to be wheeled into an emergency c-section, doped beyond consciousness then stapled back together like Frankenstein.
But here is the thing... let's not call it a push prize because that belittles the whole process. Besides what about the other mother's like me who had cesareans. Am I ineligible for a push prize just because my internal slip and slide malfunctioned? Then there are the adopted children that find their way into their mother's arms via adoption. I think they are just as deserving of a "push" prize. And then again maybe push prize is fitting. As mothers we all push, pull and fight for our right to be mothers regardless of how we accomplish it. "Push" prizes are the celebration of the quest. I think it is also a great start and tradition for first time mothers. Mothers have a tendency to give and self sacrifice with total disregard for themselves. By accepting push prizes we start motherhood with the realization that it is okay to occasionally reward yourself and indulge in a world outside of diaper cream and booties. This post was inspired by "Not Me Monday". Just click on the link below to join in...


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I loved this. I too wanted a push prize, but my hubby wouldn't comply!

♥Jacqueline said...

My son Jeffrey was born 14 weeks early and only weighed 2 lbs, 3 oz. I pushed and it was eau natural. I didn't get anything other than an early release since I had been in that damn hospital for a week! I want a prize too!!

Beth said...

Amen to that!
No "Push Prize" for me, though. My family doesn't know about such things. I think it is high time they learned. In fact, should I ever get pregnant again, I will make it known.

You got my back, right?

TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL of course I have your back. I am more than happy to educate the husbands and family members of the world on push prizes. :)

Sandy @ The Scoop on Balance said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I never heard of a push prize! After four kids, have I been living under a rock?

I did get a HUGE cup of coffee (after having sworn off caffeine during pregnancy) after the birth of baby #1. At the time, that seemed like the best thing EVAHHHHH.

After baby #2, hubby bought me a diamond and emerald tennis bracelet...I think that will qualify as a push prize.

Baby #3???? Adopted...The first two years of his life are a mere blur.

Baby #4....also adopted. The trip to Guatemala was quite a prize in and of itself. I think that qualifies.

Have a blessed day. Love your blog.


Stellan Bracelets said...

Once upon a time, Hubby did not agree that we, mothers, deserved some recognition for the 280 days of pregnancy, puking, weight gain and hurting hips, topped off with the physical challenge of giving birth...

I kindly reminded him that the day he managed to push a cantelope through his penis, I'd be first in line to reward him!!!

Gave him something to think about...

TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL I will have to remember that!! I am hysterical with laughter. Thank you a 1000X for making my day. I think I will be laughing at that one for a long while!!!

Preston said...

Absolutely, new mother's certainly deserve a push prize. Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!

The Rambler said...

Move over....I'm so with you...Er, may I have some of that crab...what? How about the strawberries :)....looking to print this for my hubby if we ever decide for baby #2.

Have a great Christmas TUTU's BLISS :) One island girl to another :)

Just say Julie said...

Wow, I missed out on that. But can I say that the strawberries and marshmallow cream sound divine? Hope you have a merry Christmas!

Keeslermom said...

I screamed with laughter at the cantelope comment!!! I too had never heard of a "push prize", and I'm letting my sweetie know he owes me 4! 2 without much wanted drugs, and so fast the doc missed the whole show. Those 2 are worth double!