YOU POKE HER WITH A STICK!! She isn't sleeping folks she is playing dead. This photo was taken right after a massive dual that I won. TWO POINTS FOR MOM!! Rest assured she got me back in round two with a semi-fatal wound to the thigh. My motto...All is fair in love, war and photography.
Thank you to Jania's Photo Enhancements for transporting her from a sheet in the front yard to a magical fairy garden. I adore doing my own photo editing but some photographs were meant for the masters.
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Totally Beautiful! great pic, what a sport. two thumbs up!
What beautiful fairies you have!! That is gorgeous with your youngest in the "garden"! Simply magical. And I love the story behind it. :)
So cute!! I love the color! And of course, the cutie pie in the tutu.
What a beautiful fairy!
Thanks for your kind words on the Kids blog.
Hello!!! How are you doing?
I hope you don't really beat your kids with sticks! haha you could get into trouble!! Lovely pictures though, well worth a beating I reckon!
While I am here I thought I would let you know I have FINALLY written the next installment of Jack and Stephanie, now with a new working title as well! Please come over and catch up on the story and let me know what you think!!! I am also going to be rewriting the rest of the story in the next couple of weeks!!
Hope to hear from you soon!! Keep enjoying your adventure!
Wellllll...I came over to say thanks for visiting and ended up finding numerous treasures! The etsy links alone kept me busy for 30 minutes!
I love it here...I'll be back! ")
I love it! And the picture is gorgeous!
Hi! Thanks For commenting @ Keeslerchaos! I love your tutus, and this pic is great! My girls want one of their own now.
I installed the follow me, thanks for the great idea!
That is stunning!! That's exactly what I was hoping for when I waaaay too much money for my daughter's fairy portraits. They weren't that, I promise.
I love that you poke your kids with sticks! ;-)
I enjoyed many of your photos - very beautiful!
I especially love the 2008 collage of your girls.
thanks for stopping by
Ha!!! I'm going to find myself a stick and give it a try on my toddler. :)
These photos are magical, but I think the real magic starts with the beautiful fairy posing in her mystical surroundings.
I assumed my friends pics of her lil' girl were so easy to take,since she had so many. I'm now informed. There's a whole lot of bribing, coaxing, pleading, gnashing... Then there's the wee one. LOL!
Thanks for your visit. Come by anytime.
Sweet Holiday Wishes,
I ADORE seeing the pics with the tutu's. Gorgeous! I wish we could all run around like that. (i think...)
AMAZING photo. I love how the orange just pops out.
Keep the magic coming SITSta!
Christa at GiggleOn.com
Bwhahaha! Love the technique!!
You so rock! I've got to learn to do that. Love your site and will be back to read more after the season slows down a bit! Thanks for visiting and Happy New Year!
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