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Friday, January 30, 2009

ALOHA Reveal #3

Kona Coffee!!! The winner of the Aloha Give Away will also win Kona Coffee, your choice of regular or Vanilla Macadamia Nut flavor! Please don't forget to spread the word.
Kona Coffee
Li Hing Powder
Chocolate Macadamias
Handmade Soap
Papaya Seed Dressing
more to come!! As participation grows so does the prize!
Ships from Hawaii to anywhere in the United States.


Island Girl said...

This just keeps getting better - if that's possible! I love me some coffee!!

Jess said...

You are offering the most AMAZING Giveaway. Even if I don't win or EVER make it to Hawaii, just seeing these prizes makes me feel like I'm experiencing a little bit of it!!

Kim said...

It is looking better and better. I love coffee. And you know how I feel about the macs.

WillowLakeScents said...

Coffee is my downfall (my husband says I have it running through my veins ~ lol)

Cassie said...

Kona Coffee is something I have tried and I ♥ ♥ it!

Shannon said...

Fabulous! If the final prize installment includes a free place to stay, I am SO there! Nevermind the 12 or-so-hour flight to get to Hawaii...

Anonymous said...

mmmm Hawaiian coffe...mmmmm

Sarah said...

Kona coffee is wonderful! /very special stuff!!

dmelen said...

Oh My!! Vanilla Macadamia nut!! Yummmm.

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Ohhhhh yea baby!! Now you're talking!! This is my favorite of the reveals so far. Could it be because I'm resigned to yucky decaf coffee for four more months???
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Lisa M said...

Sounds awesome! I think my father in law would love to steal the coffee of my hands lol.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You just keep making this sweeter and sweeter!

PS. I'm having a giveaway this week, too.

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Oh that is the best coffee ever! Thank you for this giveaway!

Shannon said...

Coffee...who can resist? Not me, I live on caffiene. hehehehe