I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
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Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Can't Be Good

This week Diva Baby put her hands on my chest and said clear as day,
" Uh Oh! Mommy titty fall down".
Great! Now there is one more thing I have to try to pick up and put back where it goes. I also find it remarkable that the little angel only knows ten words and still managed to string together that little gem in a store full of people. I'm off to search the yellow pages for plastic surgeons. Wishing you perky breasts and self cleaning floors!!!


♥ Kathy said...

hahahahaha oh my goodness the things kids say!

Jill of All Trades said...

Ohhh, made me laught out loud. Thank you.

Mrs4444 said...

OMG-That's hilarious! (sorry)

Tracey said...

I seriously can't stop laughing. That is SO great! Thank you for sharing that!

michelle said...

That is ENTIRELY too funny!

Andrea said...

I remember those days....Now that I am old and a grandmother it is funny, but it wasn't too funny back then.
Blessings, andrea

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

OMG, I am picking myself up off the floor! That's hilarious (sorry but it is!!).

Dumb Mom said...

I'm not sure which I'd rather have, perkier breasts or cleaner floors. Actually, let's go with the breasts because obviously I gave up on the floors ages ago!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, nooooooooo....

I'm sure that's coming soon for me, too!