I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Do you see me?

I love her unedited.
Sleep crusted and tear smudged.
You'll find me
beneath her curling lashes,
reflected in her pupil.
Hiding in my daughter's eyes.
I never thought I would be satisfied being seen through someone else's eyes. But there I am pajama covered, camera ready and content being nothing more than a reflection in my daughter's eyes.
My taught tummy has given way to a cavernous belly button they store cheetos in. They use my old poems as confetti and Big Sister digs out the lace thongs buried under my cotton undies and fashions them into sling shots.
Maximazing the distance a thong can shoot a cheerio is my latest passion.
My too small breasts were an all you can eat buffet for two. My too small hips were the gateway to life and my daughters map my freckles like a star chart. They play connect the dots, freckle to freckle. They trace me beautiful and for the first time I am just right.
That is how motherhood has changed me.
Mama Kat's writer's workshop is exploring motherhood. She's asking all kinds of probing questions, "Who are you?", "What's your passion" and "How has motherhood changed you?" just to name a few.


Rachel said...

How awesome! You make motherhood sound so joyful!

Dumb Mom said...

That's beautiful. I think my mom-perience is a little more grimy (being covered in boy dirt and all), but I love it all the same and you captured it nicely here:)

Anonymous said...

I've missed your blogs! I love your writing. Stopping by to say hello! And yes, those are the perfect eyes to see yourself through.

Jenners said...

This was beautiful and true and lovely and I thought the world of it. Some of your imagery was just so perfect -- freckles being star charts especially.

Laura Marchant said...

Oh I can see you!

Corey~living and loving said...

I can relate to this so much it is a bit scary. Are you inside my head?????

have a great day. You made mine better.

Andrea said...

The only thing greater than being a mother is the day you become a grandmother. I am blessed to be both. GOD IS AWESOME.

Thank you for stopping by arise 2 write, today. I am sorry for the lost of your furry nephew. Indeed Malamutes are very special and unique creatures.

I have joined to follow your blog and look forward to get to know you better.

Blessings, andrea

Pineapple Princess said...

I am loving your blog!
I'm a new follower!!

KatBouska said...

I loved reading the comments to this post almost as much as I loved the post itself. So true.

Jaimee said...

Love this post!!! Beautiful, simply beautiful!

Summer said...

I am expecting my 1st child at the end of January, so I'm particularly emotional to mommy poetry. I shed a few tears as I realized that is exactly what I've been longing for all these years... oh to be seen through my child's eyes and satisfied with the simplicity and complexity of being mommy. What a joy it is to read your blogs!!! I'm so glad I stopped by today!