How do you let the world in without letting all of the magic seep out?
She reminds me that a girl can climb a tree in head to toe glam. She is fierce, unyielding and full of sparkle. If only the entire world could embrace their true self with same degree of confidence and loving abandonment. Unfortunately school is starting to dull her shine. She comes home with a little less dazzle and less confidence than the day before. She didn't even make it through the first week without someone calling her names and breaking her heart.
August 26th is Women's Equality Day. Please help spread the word!!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Love that picture of her up in the tree.
I love the dress and the tree climbing. How have you been?? Is your Summer going great even though it is almost over? Have a great Saturday..
HOw do we help them sparkle and shine for always? How do we ingrain that they are beautiful and wonderful and no one can change that? I love the glamorous tree climber! Wonderful picture!
I love that picture. It's very pretty dress too. :)
What a beautiful pic! It breaks my heart to think of someone breaking her sparkling spirit.
Ok, so this made me cry! The picture is sheer perfection. I love it...then my heart broke for her as I read your words. UGHHH!!! Do you know what I miss most about teaching? My passion was making sure nobody's shine and sparkle was dulled....not by other teachers and not by other kids!! It was my mission every day...I miss it.
My girl came home two weeks ago, it was her first day of Kindergarten, in tears...someone told her that her sparkly shoes made her feet look fat. What? Seriously, kindergarten??
Sorry for the rambling comment, I just wish that school didn't "dull the shine"...I can't stand it, it's just not right. I'll be hoping that your girl keeps her dazzle! She's blessed to have you for her mother.
I love her dress! What a sweetheart. And that's too true, sometimes it is hard to hold on to the magic.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting. I'm just glad all the before birth woes are over now. I'm actually catching up a little bit more. :)
What a great pic. And I love that quote.
Oh, she just looks perfect up in that tree. I don't think she should be wearing anything else!
BTW, did you make her dress?
This is a great question. I think it is a topic so important for both girls and boys. I recently wrote about the book Once Upon a Heroine on my blog about books that are good for girls.
Jen, I like this post so much that I am writing about it and linking to it in my blog tomorrow! Thank you for the inspiration!
called her names???? oh heck no! that just isn't okay. argh!
I hope things are better.
This is one of the great dilemmas of my life -- how to keep my little free spirit grounded and let her fly at the same time.
I'm so sorry she's struggled at school. My daughter has had some problems like that too. It's so hard to let them go out in the world and not want to sheild them from any kind of hurt. That part of motherhood is so much harder than I ever expected.
She is BEAUTIFUL. And she's lucky to have a mom who will teach her to be strong and herself and love it. Great picture.
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