Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Something new and last minute Aloha Friday just a simple question, no frills and lots of Aloha
But I am going to cheat. I'm stealing and answering Sarah's Movie Question instead I suggest everyone rent Thomas Crown Affair. It is a great movie and I love it. Save your money. Do not rent Burn After Reading.
Favorite movie? Movies to avoid? I'm listening.
P.S: The next Two Cents Tuesday
topic is Eye Candy. As always it's your two cents so roll with it. Top ten list, ideal man description or your two cents on love at first sight, the possibilites are endless. Two cents is FREE so join in and always get more than you pay for!
that is way too cute!!! i love the pink mohawk!!!
I love that you embraced the mohawk! And it looks so punk rocker-ish!
Love the mohawk! I am thinking about coming back from my hair appointment next time with a pink stripe. What's the harm?? My girls would love it :)
Anyway. I'll have to keep chcecking back to see what suggestions you get. I will get the Thomas Crowne Affair because I have not seen this. I have ALL weekend...I can get a few :)
I tried to get the 2 cents button but it comes up that the image has been moved....I left it that way so if you have no idea what I am talking about you can see it....any ideas? I am blog inept.
AW! She's adorable. A very edgy baby!
Aww! She's actually quite adorable with the mohawk lol. Her eyes to pop with the pink in her hair :) She's precious!!
I love that picture!
LM's hair is crazy like that too but if I put him in a pink tutu with matching hair my husband just might kill me :-)
Thanks for the suggestion. I watched Baby Mama on PPV last week and loved it. It was much better than I thought it was going to be
I could use a pink mohawk this morning. My teenagers would finally know that I've lost it, but hey they truth will set you free, right?
Ummm yeah! You have to embrace "the hawk"! I love what you did with it....! And what shall you do next? If I had a girl, she would have rocked a pink hawk in one of your pink TuTu's for sure!
Hey how come nobody is answering your question? Is it because the mohawkish cuteness of your baby deserves more comment love than the question? Probably. She is so stinkin' cute!
But, I will answer your question. My favorite movie is still Terms of Endearment!
Rock On little sister!
THAT is precious...she's a great mohawk wearer!
Cute mohawk!!!
I can second don't waste your money on Burn After Reading. I did however see one this past week that was pretty good. I like it when at the end it all comes together and I never saw it coming.....Shattered with Pierce Brosnan. It's actually a couple of years old.
Rock on honeybee! What a cutie patootie! Seems that she may have some spunk! Anywho, lurve your blog! Glad I came across!
Oh, and the movie thing... I'm in total accord with you on the Burn After Reading... and I just happened to watch The Thomas Crown Affair.
Fave movies? Well I'm a country girl thru and thru so old westerns...
I love, love, love that pic of Mo!! And I definitely think the pink mohawk brings out her beautiful blue eyes!! She is too cute!
LOL! When I saw her eyes my first thought was how her pink hair really makes her eyes look blue. :)
wow, she is the cutest little button EVER!!! those eyes and the especially the mohawk...i would be all over that, if i had a baby! lol.
as for the movie selection...have you seen matchstick men? i thought it was pretty good!
thank you for stopping by my blog!
First visit to your blog..but those are some adorable tu tu's.... My now 10 year old used to wear a tu tu over every outfit when she was younger... Loved the mohawk too!
I love the mohawk, and the attitude....one just needs to go with things like that. Life's too short to spend wishing things were different.
Have a great weekend!
Adorable! I am way behind on movies and really do not have any suggestions. I did see Twilight recently so I could compare it to the book.
Your daughter is beautiful!
Super cute Mohawk! Love the pink!
Sisters of the pink dyed-by-mama hair! At least your's washed out!
Love Thomas Crown, I've seen it an embarrassing number of times.
So precious!!!!!
We had a mohawk this summer. In my son's words, it was wicked!
Thanks for sending me to mama kat to link it up!
Oh, and fave movie would have to be Steel Magnolias!
Groovy hair! What a doll baby!
Hahaha Labelmaker. I wish. Visitng from SITS
I LOVE baby Mohawks!
I just wish my baby had enough hair to make it look decent!
She's 10 mths and I'm still waiting for more hair!!
YIKES, I'm totally in love with your pictures. I also adore your profile description! I'm so with you! Found you on SITS comments today. Glad I did I will be checking more out. Thanks.
YIKES, I'm totally in love with your pictures. I also adore your profile description! I'm so with you! Found you on SITS comments today. Glad I did I will be checking more out. Thanks. ERrRR can't get word ver to work right. Three times a charm.
such a CUTE picture!! She's adorable!!
I gave you an award, come on over to see what it is. BTW I love the mohawk!
oh bummer - I can't your picture to load...I want to see the mohawk! Anyhow, in regards to the balance thing....that's why it's beauty and bedlam - with much more bedlam. Your profile drew me in...I haven't worked out since my youngest was born and she's five, so if your youngest is only one, you have four more years to follow me in the motivation. :)
OHHH - it's loaded and holy cow, is that too precious!! :)
Oh girl...you had me at your profile! I just about fell off my chair when you told me to step away from the label maker...spot on! And just when I thought it couldn't get any beter, I read some of your past posts. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thank you. I'm adding you to my blog roll immediately!
p.s. I too have NEVER wrapped a hypothetical baby in a towel full of black and curlies! Were our hubbies seperated at birth? We're military too!
That is awesome, and way to work with it, Mama. Love it!!
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