I will continue to celebrate motherhood. So if breasts, birth, dilation and mother's milk makes you uncomfortable please consider yourself warned.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aloha Give Away Reveal

The Aloha give away will start with a sampling of my favorite things on the Island. I will be adding special surprises for about two weeks and add treats as the contest grows so the more you share the bigger the prize!! My favorite place on Oahu is the North Shore so most products will be coming from there. If you want to guess at things to come or see some of the best kept secrets on Oahu then please visit, Waialua Sugar Mill

Just comment on any of the prizes now or those revealed in the next two weeks. The best part is the more participation and new followers the bigger the prize. Be sure to follow along so that you don't miss any reveals and to keep the prize growing by sharing the ALOHA. Comment every time a new prize is revealed to increase your odds of winning.
The winner will be chosen at random. Praise is greatly appreciated and encouraged but not necessary and will not increase your chances of winning.
Sampling of my favorite handmade soaps from North Shore Soap Factory
Caramacs &
Chocolate covered Macadamias from Hawaiian Host
Papaya Seed Dressing (My absolute favorite treat!!!)
Li Hing Powder
Kona Coffee
Carved Coconut Dish
Aloha Hand Towel from Curly Top Boutique
"Beauty Pack" from Purse Passion
Sand and Sea bracelet from My Precious Peanut Designs
Hershey's Kisses with Mauna Loa Macadamia Nuts
Chocolate Covered COFFEE beans
Guava Macadamia Cookies
Papaya-Pineapple Jam
Pineapple Kettle Korn
Little Hawaiian Cookbooks "Tastes & Flavors of Hawai'i"

I look forward to sharing a little sampling of paradise with you. I hope you fall in-love with some new things and this peak at my favorite things brightens your day.
Mahalo, Jen

Prize ships from my island paradise to your kingdom anywhere within the United States or APO/AE addresses. I apologize but due to shipping costs the prize will not be shipped outside the United States.


Unknown said...

ooh you're making my mouth water!!! you're making my bones aches for the golden sun!!! there's no where like hawaii!!! i love anything with macademias... and might i ask... dare i dream... are you including some COFFEE??... maybe?? pretty please? with a caramac on top???

Anonymous said...

can you just give me a plane ticket and a closet in your house I swear I wont take up much space!!

Jess said...

All I can say is: WOW!!!
You are so generous!
I'm glad that I'm following you!
(I'd still be a follower even without a giveaway! ;)

Anonymous said...

It looks so wonderful already! I can't wait to see what else is to come.

Jennifer said...

Ahh Hawaii. Oh how I want to be there. Got any extra rooms we can come stay in? :)
I'd sample anything from Hawaii, ok maybe not EVERYTHING. This is exciting.

DiPaola Momma said...

Oh I LOVE this idea!!! You'll have so much fun adding and seeing what people think..ofcourse I WILL be winning so they can all just long for my Island goodies.. he he!

Don't forget to stop back by my blog later today I'll be announcing the winner of the coupon contest and my FINAL "Reveal" of what goes into my Woo Hoo Box give away.

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Oooohhhhh....chocolate covered macadamia nuts! count me in! I am following you (I follow anybody offering the chance to win chocolate, lol). Cant wait to see what else gets added....it is already an awesome giveaway.

And thanks for stopping by my blog...I love meeting new bloggy friends.

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Oh my goodness! The "Hawaiian Mango Papaya Soap" sounds heavenly. I love dried Papaya pieces and Mango anything is devine lol.

I know I can't participate since I'm in Canada but thank you for making the North Shore Soap Factory be known to you blog readers :D

Anonymous said...

you have a GORGEOUS blog! Thanks for stopping by mine!

Katy said...

How fun! The products shown are already making me want to come visit and I can't wait to see what else you're gonna pull outta your hat.

Tori C. said...

I am drooling on myself! Thanks for stopping by - I have a giveaway going on right now too, so please stop by to enter and invite your buds! :)

Erin said...

Your giveaway sounds exciting! My husband wants our next duty station to be Hawaii. It would be so much fun!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, fun! I would just love that chocolate!!! And, a bit of your paradise, too!

Glitterati said...

Oh my, the Waialua Sugar Mill looks like a wonderful place, the sun shine is just too much to bear when it is 35 here.
Coffee, chocolate, just wonderful
Woo hoo.

Island Girl said...

This is right up my alley! What a super idea! Chocolate covered macademias, yum, yum! Look forward to seeing what else is to come!

Nicole said...

Oh as if I haven't spoiled my diet this weekend! You go and tempt me with edible and non edible yummies! I'm in :)

Teresa said...

What a wonderful place to live! Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog and great giveaways. Do they allow you to sleep on the beach? ;)

Safire said...

Ohh...I loves me some of those chocolate things. Yum yum yum.

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

I always love a good blog give-away and chocolate covered Macadamia nuts I just cannot pass up!!!
Thanks for commenting...my girls are now teens and the hopeless, helpless romantic is fully alive and functioning well! We may stuff her so far down we think she is gone...but she comes back better than ever!!!

Pamela inTX

dmelen said...

Yummmm....everything sounds so good. Papaya seed dressing?!! I will have to be a follower now. Thank you. Dawn

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

What is papaya seed dressing? It sounds yummy! Can't wait to see all the goodies revealed.

vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

HOw wonderful! I wish i could fly and taste the salt from the sea, feel the heat of the sun, and hear the song of the wind! Making mee so jealous! Texas isn't NEAR as whimsical!

Sig said...

Wow, what a great blog and great stuff! Glad to be here :)

Anonymous said...

Ooo, ooo, yummy hawaiian stuff!

Shouldn't I win by default since I've got the Hawaiian blood and all? You don't want a haole to win do you?

K, all pau, gotta go chi chi.

The Rambler said...




Are you gonna include a bag of poi in there? :) Cause I'll enter right now even if though I can drive to your house :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE chocolate and macadamia nuts...AND I LOVE Hawaii..having been a resident for a short time myself...

Can't wait to see what else you have coming...maybe an invitation to come stay with you in Hawaii...??

Willo said...

Sounds delicious! theradgensclan@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

You are very generous with this giveaway!
visiting via SITS.

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

chocolate covered macadamia nuts- drooling over here! Thanks for a cool tropical giveaway!

MuseSwings said...

Aloha! What a delicious giveaway!!! I'll be watching for your next revials from my favorite state - next to Florida, that is.

koopermom said...

Ooh, the papaya seed dressing has me intrigued!!

Mimi said...

OMG, chocolate covered macadamia nuts! They sound amazing.

Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway.

I'll be back!

WillowLakeScents said...

WOW ~ the soap from North Shore Soap Factory looks divine & who doesn't love chocolate covered Macadamia nuts?? Awesome giveaway ! Can't wait to see what other goodies are added !

Janelle said...

Papaya Seed Dressing sounds absolutely divine! I would so love to see Hawaii someday....maybe someday! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooo you had me with homemade soap!!! I love homemade soaps!!!

Elizabeth M Thompson said...

Wow, what a fun giveaway!

Tabitha Blue said...

Chocolate covered macadamias!!!!!!!! YUM!!! I'm drooling... count me in!!!



Cassie said...

Wow! What a treat it would be to win these things that many of us would normally not ever get to enjoy! Great Giveaway! I found you on SITS.

Tiffany said...


We need to have a SITS party in HI....

Shannon said...

Oooh! We were in Hawaii almost 2 years ago and it was amazing! We stayed in Waikiki, but visited most of the island, including Shark's Cove and Pinky's restaurant.

Tori C. said...

This just gets better and better!

Reeni said...

Chocolate covered macadamia's yum-yum!!!!

Unknown said...

I so need this pick-me-up! Thanks for the give away!

Sherrie said...

What a neat and awesome idea! I look forward to checking back in to see what you've added! Sounds great thus far!

Amanda said...

That stuff just way make me forget about the cold weather outside!

Bebe said...

Just coming over from SITS ~ what a wonderful Hawaiian-inspired giveaway!! I'm now following you because I don't want to miss a thing! Please enter me because I want some of those chocolate-covered macadamias!
Hugs, Bebe :)

Anonymous said...

Oh goody,I love chocolate and macadamian nuts.And I love good soaps.Please count me in on the giveaways...ann

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

How fun!!! My husband lived in Hawaii when he was younger (his dad was stationed there). I'd love to win some goodies to share with him and my in-laws.
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

auntrene said...

The Papaya seed dressing sounds terrific. I love macadamia nuts.
What a terrific giveaway!

Tricia said...

One day I will make it to Hawaii...looks like a great giveaway. Visiting from SITS!

Ann On and On... said...

Now, the papaya seed dressing sounds so good, but chocolate covered nuts...yum!!!! What a fun contest. Thanks.

Lisa M said...

All that sounds so good!! I'm in! I'll be back for the next reveal :)

Honey Mommy said...

What a great bunch of stuff! I would love to try some handmade soap, and anything chocolate covered has to be good, right?

Eve said...

How exciting... unrevealed prizes to come? Very intriguing!

Laura Kay said...

The papaya seed dressing sounds DELISH!

Rachel Ann said...

What a fun giveaway...I'd like a piece of the islands! I have not yet made my way there physically, but I could use a mental break there!

Anonymous said...


Ginny said...

I'm following, those Chocolate covered Macadamias sound AMAZING!

Carrie said...

I have never been to Hawaii but maybe one day I will. This is a great giveaway. I will post it on my blog too. I am now following you.


You got me... anything chocolate
covered is my dream. Hawaii sounds
fab right now, it has been a long,
snowy, and cold winter here. I could
go for some tropical warmth!

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to win...Ann

Erika said...

Aloha! Aren't I the lucky one to not only find your blog reading one blog to another but you are also in Hawaii! We can be the best of friends.

I've been twice to Maui and can't wait to climb diamond head next.

I'd defiently be blessed to win anything from hawaii unil i return that is...Aloha back to you!

wendy wallach said...

I love handmade soaps and anything with chocolate is okay by me!

madamerkf at aol dot com

Linda said...

I have never been to Hawaii but would love to go. I love macadamia nuts but have never tried chocolate covered ones. I'm sure that they are delicious.

Wanda said...

Ooooooo....macadamia nuts? Coffee....chocolate?
Great giveaway.

Jessica said...

I love, cannot live without chocolate covered macadamia nuts. Delish!

Shan G said...

OOH! I want to enter. I LOVE the North Shore...so beautiful!

We went to the Wyland Gallery while we were there and I found my favorite painting...Consciousness of light by Eric (?) Petrie. I so want that even 20 years later! But it was SO pricey then!

I can't wait to be able to take my baby to Hawaii...she will love it.

Rachel@just another day in paradise said...

sounds wonderful!!

Donnetta said...

Chocolate covered macadamia nuts?!! YUM!! Our neighbors are from Hawaii and that's their gift to us every Christmas. My kids all fight over them! Thanks for th giveaway!

binks said...

Sounds yummy! Who can pass up chocolate.
I claim to live in paradise, but truly would love to visit the true paradise in Hawaii.

jennifersusan said...

I love your contest (and your tutus!). Chocolate and macademia nuts and coffee??? I can't wait to see what else is added!

robin said...

I saw your comment on Crash's site and thought I would come take a peek. What a neat idea to give away your favorite things. I keep thinking I would love to give away a quilted item because I love quilting but as a mother of 4 boys they have kept me so busy I haven't had time to make anything yet.

I haven't been to Oahu but I have been to Kauai twice .. just as recently as December. I LOVE it there.

Have luck with your give away.

Sandi said...

I have Li Hing powder stashed where nobody can find it and I'm almost out! I need to win.

Unknown said...

I love the macadamia nuts. When we were last in Hawaii, we visted the Sugar Factory on Oahu as well as the Maui Plantation and the old pineapple island. When we lived in LA, we used to visit every year. Really miss the islands.

Funny in My Mind said...

I need the Kona coffee BECAUSE I have a dog named Kona. haha

Fairy Princess Garden said...

You sure do Keep me busy!! The Kona Coffee is calling me...Oh Wait I think I hear my name...can't wait to see what else you have.

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Oh I am so excited!! I love Hawaii! It is such a wonderful place!

Amy said...

I have never been to Hawaii. My in laws are there right now while I am freezing here at home. I would love to go some day. I think the bracelet will look great on my arm as I dream of the day I can make a trip out to the sunny place. I am new to SITS and I saw your picture and thought was a cute little girl. I came on over. I have a one year old little girl and I so love her.

Kristen said...

I have yet to go to HAWAII but I will get there.

Fangirl Jen said...

Chocolate covered Macadamias are the BESTEST in the WHOLE WORLD! Thanks for visiting my blog too.

Great contest. I haven't been to Hawaii since I was a little girl. You are tempting me to grab my husband and catch a flight.

Kristie R said...

OMG! that is an awesome give away and one I'd love to win...chocolate, coffee...oooh that's heaven

Funny in My Mind said...

I want the coffee, no wait, the purses, no the body wash, no the Sassafras purse, no the body lotions, no the Honeysuckle purse....I want it all. Pick me! Choose me! Please!

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

The "Carved Coconut Dish" the Papaya Seed Dressing" and the "Hiwaiian Mango Soap" AND the "little Hiwaii Cookbook???
Ohhhh Tutu's Bliss, if I lose this sweepstakes I could become depressed what with my hormone inbalance and my ever more often hot flashes!! Winning this would put my flashes at bay for at least a month (I can assure you that you would make Prince very happy indeed....he may even fly over to hug you in person. Not kidding....).

I never win anything. I want to win this soooooo much!!

Steady On
Reggie Girl

Mrs4444 said...

The soaps sound wonderful, but so does everything else. Besides, who can resist the "free!" part? Count me in, and don't take any sharp corners (I'm Following!)

Kimberly said...

I want to win the homemade soaps. I'm constantly scouring the countrysides for new homemade soaps, or just ways to create my own without much effort. Though I haven't gone so far as to actually create my own, seems too difficult, no matter what the books say...But, heck yeah, count me in!!!

Little Moos and My Creative Pink. said...

I want it all! I love Hawaii, chocolate covered macadamian nuts, kona coffee and that pineapple kettle corn sounds pretty delicious! What a great giveaway thanks for the chance to win!

Kelly Dawn said...

ok yeah I SO need a hawaiian cookbook! :)