My favorite touches can be found under the sticker option..
Want fairy wings?
Go to stickers and enter keyword search butterfly
Size them to fit
mask the join with flower stickers, diamonds, bows or pearls
Play with the opacity bar for a more natural look
Magic Dust?

Enter keywords sparkle or glitter
You can also find angel wings, clouds, tiaras and a ton of other magical touches under the add sticker option in Scrapblog. Sorry to dissapoint you but the frog was already included.
PLEASE NOTE:Once you finish your page you will only be able to save the individual scrapbook pages by accessing the scrapook from the side bar under ALBUMS. You will also have to access it this way to crop and edit completed pages.
If you haven't vistited her yet blog on over now. Her visual posts are always fun little treasures.
Hi from SITS! I love your blog!
Thanks for photobucket info.
Visiting from SITS, happy new year!
Oh wow! Too cool :-) Thank you for passing on the tips!
I saw you on SITs and thought I would come by and say hi!
Thanks for passing on the info about photobucket. I love the butterful wings. So cool!
awwww....my little girl looks so cute in the pucker up pic. thanks for doing that...so sweet!
Those are adorable!!!
Too cute! I'm gonna go PLAY! I think J's froggy needs a little crown too :D
Thanks for the awesome tips! I have played with the scrapbook feature a couple times but those were some features that I hadn't discovered yet! Thank you for sharing!
Darlingness! I love the idea of adding touches to pictures, so much fun. Thanks for sharing and also.....thank you sooo much for leaving me a nice comment about my yucky wreck. :)
Oh I love these tips, the shots just draw you in!
That is great I didn't know they started that! Thanks for the tip. Stopping by from SITS :).
I would love to have wings! I'm totally going to try it when I get the chance.
Awesome tip! THANK YOU!!!
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