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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thank You Tuesday

Thank you Tuesday for inspiring a wonderful weekend. My girls and I played, loved and boogied down. We watched sunsets, sunrises and treasured the light all around us including your fun dancing video. When the car broke down and left us stranded on the beach I thought how blessed we are with just minor inconveniences. How often I have lost perspective and let insignificant things get me down. You danced in the face of cancer and inspired the world around you. Thank you so much for sharing your sweet shine.


vsm/whirling dirvish photography said...

What a sweet tribute... Tuesday's story touched this family so hard as well... Having a little girl and newbie we too realized how blessed we are... to have healthy babies, a job, a house, and food on the table. Thank you for such a sweet post.

SuZ said...

Beautiful! I love your photos.

Anonymous said...

a beautiful tribute...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What beautiful words! And, so true.

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

very beautiful!

Kim said...

What a beautiful post.

Sarah Bee said...

This is beautiful! Her story really hit me, and I never want to forget the lessons I've learned, and the passion I feel, towards supporting the finding of a cure!

Thank you Tuesday!

Sandra said...

Yes... thank you Tuesday.

Unknown said...

what a sweet post! thanks for stopping in while i was gone and syaing hi! it's good to be back!

Mary Teresa said...

God bless you all. I'm so happy that found this girl to be such an inspiration to you, and to us all. Glad you enjoyed a wonderful weekend with your girls and gained some perspective. Happy Tuesday.

Katy said...

That is sooo very sweet and thoughtful. Thank you for writing this, I feel inspired by her as well and will be doing a post in her honor very soon...probably next Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Very well said Jen! Tuesday's life is one that should be remembered always and celebrated forever! What a great inspiration!