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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Give Away Reveal #4!!

This dish is the perfect place for your handmade Hawaiian soaps!!
Kona Coffee
Li Hing Powder
Chocolate Macadamias
Handmade Soap
Papaya Seed Dressing
Carved Coconut Dish
more to come!!
As participation grows so does the prize so don't forget to spread the word and share some sunshine!
PLEASE CLICK HERE for a look at all the prizes and contest details
Ships from Hawaii to anywhere in the United States.


The Farmers Wife said...

wow, that is very cool. It would look pretty darn nice on my table of similar color. I could see something fun in there, like maybe m&m's... mmmm m&m's. As always, love your blog and your beautiful pics!

Jess said...

That is so neat!! I am so excited by ALL of the items you keep listing!!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You keep making me want to move to Hawaii...but really, who doesn't want to?

That bowl is adorable! I think it would hold apples and oranges well, too!

Summer said...

I so wish I were in Hawaii right now!

Unknown said...

i want to be there now too!!! pick me pick me... kona coffee is THE best!!!!!!

Island Girl said...

That is so cool! Hawaii has sooo many amazing things!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful...and I have just the spot for it...

WillowLakeScents said...

The dish looks awesome ! It'll look great in my bathroom holding my soap when I win ~ lol!

Eve said...

What a very neat item for your giveaway!

Safire said...

Neat dish! Thanks!

Kim said...

Ooh...it keeps getting better and better!

Laura Marchant said...


Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Ooh, neAt. Is it wooden?? I can't tell what it's made of, but it's really pretty!!!

Tabitha Blue said...

Ohh, looks like a great dish and lots of goodies!! Thanks for sharing!



Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Oh My! I am salivating over that amazing dish. It.is.to.die.for!

Suzanne C said...

Love Oahu! I try not to think about it too much in my old desert home...makes me miss tempura shrimp and the bananas and pineapple!! And the red dirt. Anyway, great blog and really cute tutus!

Denyse said...

I love Hawaii! What a neat collection of treasures from one of my favorite places. My husband is coming there at the end of the month for business. I've gotten to tag along the other times, but not this one...and he'll be on three different islands...but I'm not bitter.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by my place for my special SITS day! Come back anytime=)

Katy said...

That is WAY cool!

Shalee- Be Speechless said...

Oh I love that! That would look so nice in my husband and I new yacht :D

Shannon said...

I just love things with color and texture, and I especially love brown. This is a great bowl.