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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Great Movie Alert

Whip It was fabulous! It has all the important life lessons a girl needs to learn...
1. Do what makes you happy.
2. Unless what makes you happy is a douchey boy posing as a nice guy. Don't do that
even if it makes you temporarily happy.
3. If you forget rule #2 reread rule #1 and thank your lucky stars you have real friends to help you elbow your way through your mistakes.
If you are expecting reviews on new releases you came to the wrong place. If it isn't out at the video store I haven't seen it. I watch movies in the comfort of my own home with complete control of the pause and the mute button. A mom has to be vigilant on dirty word patrol because children hear everything even when they are curled up in their own bedrooms and supposedly sleeping. I'm so used to watching movies on low volume that I think the last time I went to the Movie Theatre my ears bled.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great movie and I'm with you on being lucky if I even see them on video!

Andrea said...


♥ Kathy said...

I watched two "newer" movies this weekend so far (at home because I never go anywhere lol) The Princess and The Frog which I just loved and Everybody's Fine which totally made me cry. I'll have to check out your suggestion...it sounds good :)

Anonymous said...

I don't remember hearing about this movie, but it does seem to have some great lessons :) Will try to find it. Great blog you have; thanks for your visit and comment!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I wasn't sure what to make of this movie, either. I thought it had a lot of potential but wasn't quite there.