gentle persuasion they need.
Note to My Neighbors:
Laying tiger, puma and angel kitty eggs is not easy. So the next time you see me squatting in the yard and laying eggs will you please stare less. Egg laying is not an easy business and requires deep concentration and yoga like flexibility. My pesky kittens refuse to hatch if I do not display proper egg legging maneuvers. I'm getting really sick of having to go over this again and again for the police report.
Love, Mama Kitty
I love it! So cute!
LOL. Can you imagine what your neighbor must be thinking you're doing?!
Have an awesome week.
Blessings, andrea
Sweet little girl imaginations. The best!
Hahahahhaaaa, that is HILARIOUS...
And... I have to say, Im quite jealous, I miss the time when cats used to hatch in MY backyard...
Do you think they would still be interested in the imagination of a 28year old woman?
LOL Jen! That was adorable!!
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