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Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Me Monday

Not Me Monday hosted by http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ ! Please come join in on the fun.

I did not let the baby dip her pretty do in a rain puddle while I snapped pictures. I did not let both princesses flop, roll and crawl in the muddy water like little piglets. I did not secretly wish for snow while playing in paradise. That would be ungrateful and I do NOT ever take things for granted. I am not so spoiled that I can play on a stunning beach and wish for Oklahoma. Who in their right mind would do that? I also did not see this great picture of me and my happy daughters and think first, "Man my roots look so bad!". I am not that vain. I saw only their smiling faces and did not give my imperfections a second thought. I also did NOT crop my bottom out. For vanities sake! I am over all those silly insecurities. Enjoy the pics, please disregard my roots.


Beth said...

What beautiful photos!!

And no, of course you didn't do all those things. ;)

Preston said...

What great pictures. My little girl is now 29 but I remember those days when her toes where tiny and I could hold her in my arms and she would twirl the hair hanging from the back of my head! Enjoy your children while you can-they grow up so fast.

Anonymous said...

I'll trade you a day in paradise for a day in the rainy, damp, cold here in Alabama.

Beautiful pictures!!

Youth Leaders said...

I did laugh when I saw your girls "washing" their hair. It is something that mine would do.

Debbie Y. said...

Thanks for the comment love on my SITS FB day!

Yes, I love "The Daily Puppy" pictures on my blog. They are all adorable.

I am also from Alabama, same as Rachel.

Come back and visit anytime.

Eve said...

Those are beautiful photos!

Hmm... I 'do not' crop my insecurities out of all of my photos either... nope... "Not Me"! ;)

Beautiful hair + puddle of water... well, I get it. If I were close enough to the ground to just bend over and dip my hair, I'd probably do it too!

Grand Pooba said...

Ha! But that's my favorite pic! Who wouldn't want to dip their head in muddy water?

Sarah said...

Great pictures~! There's something about puddles that are such a draw. Honestly, if you have splashed in some yourself lately? It is freeing :) I think I'll have to work my way up to the hair dipping....

Mrs B said...

I will trade you, snow for paradise. I'll even through in negative temps! :)

Anti-Supermom said...

Beautiful photos. Living in Minnesota, I'd totally trade places with you.

I didn't just write that, did I...

Thanks for the visit, I love meeting new peeps, especially those that have things I can drool over :)

Katy said...

AWesome pics. How fun!!
Oklahoma....GREAT place.

Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans said...

Beautiful photos! And cropping yourself for vanity's sake? Yep, not me, too!

Leanna said...

First of all, I'm glad you found/visited my blog. And, I am absolutely sure we MUST be related since we are both from Oklahoma! ;)

Second, you can not even see the roots at all! All three of you girls are just beautiful!!

And, I would LOVE to visit Hawaii!! If it makes you feel any better...as of yet I have not seen the beautiful snow here in OK...only some ice and very cold wind! You should email me and tell me where in OK you are from!