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Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Funk

I have the funk. Swine flu? Strep? Depression? No. It is just "The Funk". Funk is highly contagious. Funk can be debilitating and physically draining. After two weeks of vacation time I SHOULD be funk free.
Hubby swears he can cure the funk in fifteen minutes or less. THAT does not cure the funk. Laundry and dishes aggravate the funk. I doubt he was offering to clean the house in fifteen minutes or less. A clean house will not even cure the funk. Neither will waking up with my body in all it's former glory. My butt should still travel while I'm asleep from my ankles back to it's perky home of origin. Isn't it bad enough that I am a chronic funk sufferer. Shouldn't I, at the very least, be a chronic funk sufferer with a perky butt?
I am going to start blog hopping to cure the funk. There is nothing like being post slapped to knock me out of the funk. I already got blog smacked by one amazing bloggy friend before I even finished whining about my funk.
Leave it to the witty and wise Rambler to write a tender post that smacks me into the reality that there are more important things than the jiggle in my wiggle and the dirty laundry in my basket. Pop over, visit a while and don't miss her A Thousand Words Thursday-Beyond Words post. Sending love, hugs and prayers to all the parents that are fighting for and with their children.


scrappysue said...

some days you just lose your mojo - it's not the end of the world! hugs

The Rambler said...

Smack, smack...

From the other Rambler :)

Glad your back!!

The Blonde Duck said...

I've gotten the funk before--I hope you get better!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. Please visit my blog and website of my non profit Parenthood for Me.org.
Our mission is to help people build families through adoption or medical intervention by providing financial and emotional assistance. WE need help spreading the word.
Thank you.

My Precious Peanut Designs said...

Sending HUGS that you will feel de-funked soon!

Carrie said...

That would be my Hubby's response too. It does not cure the funk!

Here's to hoping you are Funk Free soon!

The Cookie Girl

Danyele Easterhaus said...

here's your lovingness...and i feel icky sicky and kinda in a funk too. since hubs was in mexico city, maybe i did get the swine flu. hmmmm...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

My hubby thinks he can cure the funk in 15 minutes, too! Ha!

You must check out my PSF this week about the Hippo...I'm pretty sure it will momentarily cure the funk. If it doesn't, I'll give you a refund:)

Amy said...

Oh I think we all get in a funk. I get like that in the winter. Plus it has been raining for three days straight off and on. I just want to sleep on those days. Glad to have you back.

Snarky Belle said...

I've been feeling funkified lately too. Your post made me laugh and then cry...and I haven't even been over to read what Rambler has to say...headed that way now.

Thanks for your honesty.

Frenzymom said...

I've been feeling the same way lately. I think its the weather, then a sinus infection, turns out neither. Just "the funk"! I feel better now after about a week of it. Hang in there!!

Dawn said...

Sorry about the funk! :(

I hope you're feeling better.

Hey, Mrs.4444 came and left a comment on my blog post the other day looking for you. You might go visit her and let her know you are okay. She said she couldn't even find your blog.

Cher said...

yes, I'm with you! blog-hopping usually cures my cases of "The funk" too....a dose of 15-minutes-of-husband-cleaning-the-house never cures all the ailments! :) Stopping by from SITS! Have a great day!

Beth Dunn said...

I think I have it to. Once I start going I feel better but I haven't been as motivated as usual. I just smile and talk to people to get away from it. xoxo

Sarah said...

Ahhh, yes. The Funk. Just shed a layer of it yesterday with some gardening therapy. Here's hoping you find the funsies you need to shake off your own layer or two.

Corey~living and loving said...

awww yes...the funk. I've got it a bit too. I think I need some perspective.

I have a giveaway over at my place. that might help. :)

Mrs4444 said...

Good luck with the funk! Off to view the pic :)

Shangrila said...

I, too, have The Funk! Off to visit Rambler-thanks for the antidote! :)

Leanna said...

Thanks for the shout out...and glad I could de-funk you! ;~D

I think most of us get there at some time or another.

Glad you're back!


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I am familiar with the funk..some days....
I enjoyed reading your blog today ....I am making so many new friends in the blog world.
Hope you will stop by and sign up for my give away on Thurs....

Anonymous said...

Get your hair done, it always makes a girl feel better!