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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Photographing Newborns Tips from Mommy

Nothing beats a professional photographer but you can still take great sleeping newborn portraits of your own children in between sessions. These are some things I have learned...
First things first,
1. Purchase solid sheets for the baby's bedding, white or black.
(choose the color that contrasts the most with your baby's skin tone)
2. Solid sheets on your own bed or floor will also make a great backdrop
3. Place the crib where it gets indirect light at some point throughout the day.
(Soft morning light is perfect but I also love the yellow glow right before sunset.)
4. Put the baby to sleep just like normal and keep an eye out for the perfect light or moment.
When taking your pictures you do not need a fancy camera or a studio. The pictures shown were taken with a basic point and shoot. The tricks are..
Shoot without a flash
use your portrait setting (the icon usually with people on it)
macro setting ON (typically a flower icon)
use your zoom or get close, fill the frame and focus on just her lips or toes
choose the right angle (capture those long lashes by shooting from the side and slightly above)
Try, try and try again, with digital you can take hundreds at no extra cost
you can also edit with photobucket for free..fade the background out by sliding the contrast bar & adjusting the brightness (start first with black and white copies so you don't also have to adjust the color saturation)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the nice comment. :) I have enjoyed looking at your sites--great stuff!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Lovely, colorful pictures. Beautiful words about motherhood. I am pregnant with our third..ready for the breastfeeding again! :)