I decided to show you the ugly. I think I would rather share nude pictures of myself ten years ago than this little gem. However, I think it is good to see the bad and the ugly. No Botox or virtual wrinkle remover. Maybe if we would would fess up more often then girls in their early twenties wouldn't offer their bodies up to plastic surgeons like lumps of clay.
The swellings gone but I still hurt and I only had my wisdom teeth removed! Simple in and out procedure my a*$! I would rather have a baby. You walk out with something to show for your pain and the drugs are better. I can't even begin to imagine the pain people endure from plastic surgery procedures. If you're in your twenties and baby free listen up... You are gorgeous. You are at your peak. Save your money, skip the pain and take your hot self out for a drink!
That's hot.
Were your teeth giving you trouble? My dentist wants to remove mine, but they are just fine thank you and I don't see the point!
So wish that someone had given me that advice ten years ago!
oh this brought me back when I got mine out. I did not like that thing they put on my head. I wanted it off.
you're very brave - and very inspirational ! Keep going...
Amen, momma!
Poor thing. I was bruised and swollen and GREEN for over a week. And, my mom had be do it the day after high school graduation (insurance was ending), so I went to all of the parties swollen and not able to eat!
Hope you are feeling better.
Girl...you rock the after tooth surgery party! I totally agree...show us the REAL, and let's stop our girls from thinking they have to be perfect! ♥
HILARIOUS post!!! Hang in there!
Hi from SITS.
Amen and well said!
I totally agree with everything you said Jen!!
OUCH! Nothing worse than dental surgery. Poor thing!
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